RBXDev group - information and how to join

The join button says Join Pending but it’s not disabled so uhh… maybe requested?

Hi I just sent a request to join ~(^o^~)

len_ny on roblox and im a graphic artist!

len_ny and im a graphic artist, dont know if the other post didnt show

Sent a request to join. :slight_smile:

Sent in a request.

Sent a request. Please look for guy [redacted]. Thank you!

I have just accepted the following people into the group:

Welcome all 10 of you! :grin:


Hi, I would like to join the group. I have just requested to join. Looking forward to engaging in this ever growing community.

Hello, I already sent request to join the RBXDev group. Look for davness in the list. Thanks!

Accepted both @Anonomical & @davness! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sent a request name Deaddudexxx, Character will be a guy All colored with Crystal Texture and marine hat.

I sent in a request too!
My ROBLOX username is Turpichu4321.

Accepted both @deaddudexxx & @Turpichu4321

1 Like

Request sent.


Requested to join

Username: Des_tructo

Shining_Diamando, requested. Accept my memes.

I sent a request.

New to the dev forums, Hai everybody!
I’d like to join the group :smiley: