RBXHaxe - Haxe Library for Roblox

O well, impeccable timing. There was a syntax error in the generated file for RunService.

haxelib update RBXHaxe

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You keep talking about ā€œcastingā€ but what actually is that?

Do you have a discord I can talk to you on?

Yea, I canā€™t post it because this is a public section. Iā€™ll DM you it.

Not suree if youā€™re still maintaining this (1.5 years later) but trying to build it when including anything Roblox gives me this error

/usr/local/lib/haxe/lib/RBXHaxe/3,1,2/PVInstance.hx:7: characters 20-31 : Missing ;

Sorry for the delay, updated to fix this and update the API.


Hi, love the project!
Trying to get it set up, haxe build.hxml runs fine with this .hx source,

class HelloWorld {
    static public function main() {

and this build.hxml:

-D lua_ver 5.1
-D LuaVanilla
-lib RBXHaxe
--macro includeFile('LibLoader.lua')

--class-path src/server
--lua bin/server/HelloWorld.server.lua
--main HelloWorld

This results in the following Lua code:

HelloWorld.main = function() 
  __haxe_Log.trace(RBXEnum.SurfaceType.Smooth, _hx_o({__fields__={fileName=true,lineNumber=true,className=true,methodName=true},fileName="src/server/HelloWorld.hx",lineNumber=4,className="HelloWorld",methodName="main"}));

which give this error:

  runtime error:
 ServerScriptService.Server.HelloWorld:539: attempt to index nil with 'SurfaceType'  -  Server - HelloWorld:131
  ServerScriptService.Server.HelloWorld:135 function _hx_error
  -  Server - HelloWorld:135

because thereā€™s no RBXEnum global. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Installed RBXHaxe by following instructions in RBXHaxe/README.md at master Ā· EmptySetRBLX/RBXHaxe Ā· GitHub and then the steps outlined in the OP

Hi, I have updated the OP. Sorry about that. You need to update your LibLoader.Lua file to contain

_G.table = table
require = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(ā€œNevermoreā€))
local globalEnv = getfenv()
local RBXEnum = globalEnv[ā€œEnumā€]
setmetatable(_G, {__index = (function(t, i) return globalEnv[i] end)})

Honestly I would like to refactor this not to have to use a metatable at all at some point, but this should get you working.

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Ahh this is so cool it works now, canā€™t wait to try a project!