RbxStu: Roblox Studio Executor - Patch scripts with ease

no I mean- can U answer? my question?

Iā€™ll check why itā€™s not working sooner than later, thx for telling

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The module opens up a Console using Windows API, you can look at the source code on GitHub to see how it works

Tried fixing it, no luck on my end, I guess the way functions and things are registered on Roblox Studio isnā€™t a 1:1 with the client, I have said it before, but Iā€™ll say it again, I donā€™t believe this will be a 1:1 with real Roblox Client executors.

Still, why would you need a remote spy? If you donā€™t know your own games remotes, then I think you are in a bit of a pickle yourselfā€¦ :skull:

can u send a link please? to DMS mb

Nah lol I just like the ui and stuff and how it generates code automatically to fire the remote, I use red as my networking library is its a bit of a hassle :sob:

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I made a table reconstructor on Lua inspired from a friend, Iā€™d assume rspy does something similar or close enough, itā€™s on my GitHub as well, I might integrate it into this if I see it is of use for any user using it, but at the time being, I donā€™t find it significant

What is it? Iā€™m confused on what you need/want

Hi, just to start off Iā€™d like to mention that this entire idea is totally unnecessary.

The code base behind this is so sub-performing that itā€™s insane, it makes me believe that the development team behind this are new programmers.

Letā€™s begin.

Really? inline hooking a function using a minhook just to resolve the local lua_State?
Do you know how insanely primitive the idea of an inline hook in x64 assembly actually is? Whatā€™s the point of using minhook here? there is no relative rip instructions that youā€™d actually have to have some minimal form of assembly knowledge to know how to resolve here.

??? What is this overengineered garbage code? Do you know you can unironically compare GetForegroundWindow to the handle of the process?

Also, whatā€™s all this oxorany macro sprinkled everywhere for? Do you know this is open source, lol?

Hey buddy, stop writing junk code and start reading properly.

Nice spinlock with a constant, _mm_pause intrinsic exists.

This entire source is riddled with bad code and terrible memory leaks.
Youā€™re using C++ so start using smart pointers.

Also, your exception filter is disturbingly poorly coded. Please learn to handle your exceptions correctly rather than just dumping the information to io & exiting.

Absolutely no comment, Iā€™m star struck with how badly one can program something like this.

Really? you have an identical loop above, just trace within the same loop? Itā€™s not difficult. Youā€™re already using the rtl stackwalking functions.


std::string::npos exists

yesss cpr post with the large overhead.


lua_pushboolean(L, GetForegroundWindow() == handle);

by the way, realloc clears data so your check is ambiguous and thus, memory is not always freeā€™d.

I canā€™t even be bothered to go deeper into this. Iā€™ll end this with saying one simple thing, this still breaks tos and is just a polished attempt to make a script executor for roblox studio considering it has no security at all.


the link to a module you used to open a Windows desktop app with console?

I literally never intended to make this public, the oxorany are because itā€™s based of an old project of mine meant to be an injected DLL, most code is underperformant and thatā€™s alright, there is no real reason to want assembly-level speed when you donā€™t need it; Iā€™m using Minhook because Iā€™m not gonna be doing manual hooking of any kind for this, I donā€™t code a full Cor C++ style I just mix stuff up, Iā€™m not a life-long C++ programmer neither lol, if you think you can make it better make it better, destructive criticism works alright, but I believe you are being quite harsh. Iā€™m picking easy ways of doing the things Iā€™m doing, and Iā€™m not gonna bother to do it better because it was a project I wrote in two weeks and no more. You normally donā€™t start with writing the cleanest code, and I donā€™t feel like using smart pointers because I believe I can manage memory myself responsibly, as for the not usage of realloc, I was smashing my head while writing that for three days, so the solution isnā€™t necessarily the best and it wasnā€™t intended to be, I had to do a small rewrite of Security.cpp just to allow setthreadidentity to work correctly and not force Level 8 by default. Most codebases of injected dlls are not clean by any means, Iā€™m not going to be reversing every Roblox struct, and this one isnā€™t intended to be neither, I have seen worse codebases that relate to the injecting dlls part of this world, and they have been much more disgusting than this one.

In short, you have valid points, but I donā€™t feel itā€™s fair to hold the level of C++ of a program you control yourself over a program whose lifecycle is not really part of your control and itā€™s part of code that is not yours or that you donā€™t know entirely how it works, with that said, you have your opinions I have mine, this codebase ainā€™t even a month old, itā€™s barely two weeks, not cleaned up truly, and I just mix and match C/C++ as I feel like it, no one will probably contribute to it, and the reason I open sourced it is because people didnā€™t trust it, most production codebases do sins just for existing and we donā€™t berate much or them


I believe this tool could be pretty useful to some people, I myself would love to be able to pentest my games without the worrying of being banned or having to run some closed source software run by a shady community.


Itā€™s really not that deep.
Chill :roll_eyes:


Any news on the release of a new DLL?

Currently updating; couldnā€™t do so yesterday because my mouse had broken, currently finding the offsets required, iā€™ll push into github after its done and release a build as well.

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macOS support??

ill be willing to contribute and try to add that.

I believe that adding MacOS would mean quite the touch ups on the codebase, and I donā€™t have a MacOS to directly support it, it is a CMake project, though, so it could be done with not that much effort I believe, but Iā€™d have to make wrappers for calls to Windows API so it calls the respective MacOS/*Nix APIs instead if it is MacOS


Thank you very much for the update.

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Yeah maybe a wrapper for the windows API which is crossplatform. Only downside is macOS requires S.I.P to be disabled which requires a lot of digging through the system.

GitHub - notahacker8/RobloxCheats: Cheating tool for Roblox (MacOS M1) this project, while it has bad intentions could be used as a reference for implementing injection-like systems.

I believe this was more of an ESP, Luau execution could be a 1:1 with what I currently have, the only caveat would be wrapping the native API calls and possibly making the offset platform-dependant, still, I would have to account for ARM, which IS more problematic becuase Iā€™m not used to ARM assembly to touch much onto the Roblox M1/2/3 Studios. (And also some small things with ARM that go on (You need to add like 0x1 to an address for it to be good I believe)), which sum up to making this into more of a chore :skull: