RbxStu V2: Studio Executor - Runtime Debugging and Exploit Patching

you could theoretically hook instance.new and check if it is an event, and monitor replicated storage for hooking the appropriate functions and you could get a remote spy, but I’m not sure, never did ine

you need to hook RemoteEvent.FireServer if you want “remote spy” (in studio of course)

No, RemoteSpy(s) do not work on studio, i have already tried, the method you are saying is the one everyone uses to make a Rspy, and it doesn’t seem to work

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Setting setclipboard to nil crashes the Roblox Studio ;(

That should not happen, calling setclipboard(nil) will error, as it checks if there is a string at the top of the Lua stack using luaL_checkstring(L, 1);

Do you mean running setclipboard = nil or setclipboard(nil)?

Why dont you just add a ratelimit like most executors do? You can also log the FS actions and ask to revert them if it seems malicious

What do you mean by “Ratelimit” and for logging FS actions, doing FS in C++ is already painful enough, making them revertable must be the last circle of hell, as in, more than last…

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How does this work? I managed to hook the DLL but I don’t know how to execute any scripts.

Also if this breaks any agreements then I shall cease any operations, I just want to test an anti-hooking function I made.

you may want to opt to using V2 as it’s much more stable and supports more functions

I am indeed using the V2 release.

This looks to be a development version of it, try using the latest release on the GitHub repository.

Cheers, Dottik

(I read this message before, I just thought I had answered to it much sooner than I actually did)

Remote Spies work on RbxStu V2 by the way, at least Simple Spy V3. Hydroxide has been more complicated because it makes use of Get objects, which for some reason is broken no matter what I try

You are breaking the TOS, but it’s just a grey-area anyway so while i won’t judge, Roblox Staff will.

probably isnt important but you forgot to block .wsf from file system which is executable, and runs arbitrary code

V2 is no longer public, and it is closed source in a request access basis, any fork is out of date, and this is patched on dev branch

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