Bet this thread will be closed really soon
I deeply apologize. I am just expressing my current feelings in this moment of time.
puzzle game topic wouldve been sick tho ngl
Many people woke early, skipped school lol and did other preparation for this event, they could have told it earlier if they wanted to post pone it
PM me if you want to be my teammate!
so true! its really late here, and I stood up late
exactly! oof. we can just wait now. the excitement is gone, the hype has reduced. probably some teams have quit. Honestly, this wasn’t a good decision of Roblox. Salute Roblox.
Hey wood… WOOD you like to work with me for the event…? xdd
Same, we’re from the same time zones!
my team is going through massive changes rn and probably will disband or make a game seperate from this
To those complaining about this event:
I really don’t think roblox had a choice here. Look at the matchmaking thread. How many teams do you think were created? Like, 12?
With a number like that, getting into the semi-finals wouldn’t just be easy, it’d be statistically guaranteed. Not much of a challenge.
Could you imagine how humiliating it would be for roblox to start an event with such a small amount of people? Roblox would look like a joke.
I’m mostly surprised about the fact that other people didn’t see this coming. A quick look at the matchmaking thread would have shown you that the event was not as big as it was supposed to be. Starting with this kind of amount would have been unthinkable.
Roblox Staff: You haven't done anything wrong.
exactly, all the hype is gone now, they said we wanna give the opportunity to other devs too “by killing the interest of the current devs”
That might happen with many teams, but don’t lose hope, I suggest reverting your decision of disbanding. Roblox wants more teams by March 4th, it will probably receive less teams. Imagine making such awesome decisions. Salute Roblox!
I know more than 20 teams which are full, not everyone used the matchmaking thread, discord was there too, but I totally agree with you
Just because developers dont mentions their teams on this thread doesn’t mean that the teams don’t exist.
You mean probably?
Yes my team quit, my friends team swore on each other and they became enemies, their team also gone
So… hi there, still looking for an animator.
Bruh you still have hope on this event
You have a legend hope
idk man, for me this was great because our animator bailed on the last minute
Lol ok, your lucky but for me, I made 4 alt accounts, and I’m the only dev lol