Re-Creating a Portal Effect,


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He meant like a decal or UI similar to the one in Portal, not a sphere lol he said “circle or oval”

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that stuff would be a mesh, and in these photos im showing that it doesnt work on meshes and stuff
but there is one way actually
0.999 transparency oval unions or meshes, put that infront of the viewport, bam

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in the metaverse hub there are UICorners inside the viewportframes to get circular shapes; this trick also works when you stretch the portal to be an ellipse or oval-ish shape


How did you guys achieve the movement effect, a viewportframe doesn’t do that by itself right? Like if you turn your camera it turns along with it (but zooming doesn’t pretty sure)

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Yeah I saw that post, because I was looking through posts related to Metaverse daily but they don’t really explain in depth… but I’ll find out


I’ve also started a project where the two portals are different sizes, and this also causes an issue. It makes the image enlarge the further you move back and messes up on the teleportation. Any workarounds for this?

Is there a way I can make it so that the portals are just sitting in one spot and I don’t click to move them? I just want to use them as a cool way to go from one level to another.


the way i did this was not great, but i actually just made the two portals the same size (the bigger one). My portals used a frame that was inset into the wall anyway, which hides the edges, but you can also use the 0.99 transparency glass trick to hide the sides of the “smaller” portal as the sides of the viewportframe will be hidden.


hi, the portal appears kinda pixelated when u look at it like this, is there a fix?


and also this i guess… this person’s hat appears as a cube

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There’s no fix to the pixelation issue, it’s just how roblox handles their viewport frames.


Is it possible to make it so Players can go through portals on roofs and floors?

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Thinking about a way to do that. Maybe duplicating objects and using reversed velocity unless if the portal entrances/exits are facing opposite directions?

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How do you do it so specific lighting can bee seen through the portal? What I mean let’s say it’s night time for you, but through the portal it’s daylight, how will I do this?

Was there ever a patch for the issue where Parts behind any of the portals would cause a weird over-lay?

Tried everything & can’t seem to patch it. :confused:

You’d have to synthesise time of day using the lighting settings of the viewport frame. A rough example is to set the light colour to black at >6 clock time and white at <7 clock time, lerping the colour for values between 6 and 7 to emulate sun rising, and you would repeat this with appropriate values for sunsetting.

Lighting direction can be determined from Lighting:GetSunDirection() which returns a unit vector from origin 0,0,0 to the point in the sky the sun is located, which can be used to hint time of day at the times sunrise through to sundown.

You’d have to experiment to find something appropriate for whatever you are making, this is just a rough proof - of - concept i suppose.

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Hey @EgoMoose, was wondering if theres a way to add more than just 2 portals. Been trying but no luck so far. Is there any method I could use?

@EgoMoose @DrAdministration

Is there a way using the current Portal system that we can adjust the Size of the Portals without impacting the ViewportFrame of another; Currently it seems that both Portals need to be the equal sizes of each-other to avoid camera warping & so forth.

I’m looking for a way to avoid having them needing to be the same size.

Thank you!

or they just used UiCorner to round