Re-Creating a Portal Effect,

You could try getting the player offset from the portal in local space, create a clone of the player, cframe it to the other side and then apply the offset. Then just delete any parts of the character that don’t go through the portal

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Is it possible to just make a mirror with this?

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I recently started talking to @Altevox about the portal system he has started to develop, a project i’ll be taking over following his kind offer. It fixes a lot of the issues with the current implementation including pixilation when up close due to viewport limitations and live feedback on material property changes.


It’d be really awesome if you open source this!

How did you stop pixelation??


That wouldn’t be a question for me, but Altevox. Once I get my hands on the source code however I can give you a real answer. I’m sure you can see why I was keen to help with this :grinning: .

It’s not finished as of yet as it works around 40-60% of the time but once I knock out the bugs and get it to production level, I’ll open source it, assuming I have permission from all parties involved.


Do you know how the blur issue was fixed, though? That seems like one of the biggest issues holding this use case back.

I could be completely wrong, but i don’t believe that’s a viewportframe?

The reason i say this is because the neon part is still “glowing” which they don’t do in viewportframes.


Spot on, from my recelection he’s not utilising viewports as they are too restrictive for his use case. That said I can’t say much till I have the code, when I do i’ll be sure to update this post for you guys before I refine the sytem and make it public :+1: .

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I’d be very interested to see more, but tmk not using vpfs has a lot of constraints. For example, what parts you can use and space.

Maybe he’s made a breakthrough though?


I believe I found a glitch where force field parts can become invisible in the presence of invisible glass, which is very strange, if you set the force field transparency parts to 1000 and add decals you can possibly recreate this portal effect without using viewportframes…

Just if you guys wanted to know for your portal effects


Depending on where the glass is in relation to the forcefield part, this is intentional. For performance reasons, translucent objects do not render behind glass parts.

It doesn’t appear to be using any new techniques we haven’t seen before. My guess would be that there is a giant, nearly-invisible glass wall with a door in it, and slightly-transparent parts making up the interior of the Tardis. Then, all you need is a script that fully hides all the interior parts if the camera is on the wrong side of the wall. This is what the tardis-like portal in the upstairs of Club Raven is doing, and places where you can apply it are limited. It’s not a general-purpose portal solution for a number of reasons:

  1. Parts with even 0.02 transparency are significantly more costly to render than opaque parts.
  2. Large glass walls, even at 0.99+ transparency have shadow issues at various render quality settings, and can be seen if your world isn’t dark/night/space.
  3. Parts with 0.02 transparency have big depth-sorting problems. If you build an elaborate place that’s all not-quite-opaque, some things will look sorted wrong or inside out. Very glitchy.

Cost of duplicate geometry is similar to the VPF portal, in that if you intend to teleport players when they pass through, you need a copy of whatever they can see through the portal. Otherwise, you have to do a lot of workarounds to make players not able to see or hear players who are on the other side of the portal.


Pixelation was never removed it was never there to begin with; as the video shown uses camera manipulation & materials as opposed to viewport frames.


As I was saying it doesn’t take the same approach as Ego due to viewport limitations but the dude went silent on me so sadly we may never get to see under the hood and find out exactly how he approached it. I haven’t given up though.




Let me know if anyone wants this. Soon I’ll be modifying it to teleport assemblies (not models, not GetConnectedParts, but entire systems with constraints and etc.)


I would love to get a copy to try it out


Is it possible to make round portal instead of use square portal?


The game Tunneler uses EgoMoose’s effect and they have round portals.

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can you please send me a link to game name Tunneler?