"Real Time" Light Bouncing in roblox!

Did this require lots of math? Such as algebra and calculus to shorten it. What kind of algorithms and formulas did you use for these? Have you studied any external source that’s not associated with Roblox but has the same ideal of Ray-tracing in the general engine?

I’ve never specialized and have knowledge in very specific programming, but now I’m hooked as I see this work of extreme effort.

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Just a lot of simple multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.

None, just simple math.


Again, not much effort, just a lot of raycasts in simple functions and simple math attached.

Sure, there’s lots of variables but at core its just simple math and lines being drawn.

I wish I was joking when I say this is the most complicated math function in all of the code:

local Dir = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesYXZ(i2 * SurfaceMultiplier, i1 * SurfaceMultiplier + 90, 0).LookVector * BaseLightRange
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Fantastic, this is in itself a great step forward in Roblox.

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Isn’t there Shapecasting?


Never heard of Shapecasting in my life.

Just ended up using math to draw a circle and then essentially the exact same code as the other 2 light types.

So yeah, update is that it supports all lights now. I’ll consider releasing it soon.
Probably a paid and free version, where both are the same but the paid version just allows you to preview lights without running the game.

I remember seeing the post where they announced this.

Nice. :+1:

Sounds good! I saw this topic a WHILE ago, and am excited I will get to try it out soon! :slightly_smiling_face:

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this looks awesome, can’t wait until it’s finished :fire:

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I must say, first impressions are really damn good. As soon as you manage to get this optimized enough for mid-end PCs, it will be awesome.

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Realistically, it can already be optimized for mobile (It just wont look anywhere near as good) and any type of PC for that matter.

The actual raycasting system and light placement is finished, albeit with some issues.
Essentially, it works but could do with improvement.