Realistic animation for Underwater based creatures

How in gods name would I go about re-creating this? I’ve been trying to create something to this effect for the longest time and at one point just gave up calling it “Impossible”. Then I see this on my feed-

I’m guessing its a mix between animations playing when it detects a certain movement, but it’s so smooth and has such good movement in terms of animation and controls that I have no idea how they actually did this.

If you could help me that’d be wonderfull, this would change a lot of creature-based underwater things and would make the experience much nicer.


That right there is a phenomenal example of Inverse Kinematics. Yes, you can animate with IK.

Before you try replicating this, I highly recommend reading this post.

Inverse Kinematics is nothing for basic programmers or animators, so I’d highly recommend mastering other fields before attempting this.


Yeah, didn’t know you could correctly animate with IK to such an extent. Either or, would of never guessed this, thanks for the help! I’ll respond here again if I manage to figure out something for it.

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