Realistic boat physics

about 5 minutes ago, I published my boat physics showcase

This showcase is based off Sampling Terrain Water Height at Any Position module.

How it works:

In this picture, you can see all the physics parts:

  • Gray parts are used to calculate Y Value of the boat, based off thier average Y position
  • Red parts are used to calculate roll angle of the boat, based off thier angle
  • Blue and Green parts are used to calculate pitch angle of the boat, also based off thier angle

Looking for feedback, ideas to do with the boat.


Hey i was trying to make a boat like this but i just don’t know how to orientate the boat, is there any way you could help me?

There is actually Realistic Hydrodynamic Physics on the Roadmap!

So that may improve this design greatly, once it’s released!

My boat was based on this: