I’m confused on what you’re trying to say.
Can you explain more what are you trying to do? (btw are you from balkan?)
Maybe put this in bulletin board, instead of help and feedback. Also, this has nothing to do with roblox and its just you explaining your watermark. This belongs in twitter or reddit or something like that, not the devforum.
He wants feedback on his icon he said here
On my last post somebody told me that they think i should use my username as watermark, since i used Uros as watermark.(my name that i use on every platform)
On my last post somebody told me that they think i should use my username as watermark, since i used Uros as watermark.(my name that i use on every platform).
I recommend you to use your username as a watermark since there are a million Uros’es in the world and anyone with the same name can say that he made it without your credits.
I would recommend deleting this topic and adding it to your original commissions topic. (referring to GFX artist for hire! - Collaboration / Portfolios - DevForum | Roblox)
btw im from Balkan____________
Hmmm, ne znam odakle si tacno, mada mogu da vidim da si negde sa Balkana pa cu napisati poruku ovako…
Extra je GFX! Mada imam jedno pitanje, koliko dugo se bavis GFX-om, I koliko ti je trebalo da napravis ovo? Razmisljam se da li da zapocnem da ucim 3D Modeling, pa me zanima ovo.
Dobri su ti gfx svidjaju mi se.
Bavim se GFX-om oko 2 meseca, sada sam počeo da pravim UI i logo, razmisljam da naučim 3d-modelovanje.Za ovaj gfx gore mi je trebalo oko 2 sata.
Da li pravis GFXeve u blender ili koristis neki drugi software?