Reclass - intelligent class conversion

This looks like a great plugin.

I’ll be sure to try it out sometime.

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A few updates coming soon to Reclass, after taking a break!

Firstly, I’m updating the behaviour when Reclass fails to download the API dump. Previously Reclass depended on watching a HttpService property for changes in order to retry the HTTP request, however with the recent changes to plugin HTTP permissions this no longer works. Instead, once I publish the next update, you’ll see this screen if something goes wrong:


Secondly, in line with the recent updates to my icon design language, Reclass will be getting a new dark mode icon!

This icon will automatically be used when you’re using dark theme in Studio, and should be much easier to recognise thanks to the bright neon lines and reduced glare.

Thirdly, I’m considering adding a non-intrusive update notification to the Convert window. Here’s what it would look like (mocked up in Figma!)


What do you think of this notification? If you’re not cool with it, please let me know - otherwise, I plan to add this in the next update, assuming all goes to plan :slightly_smiling_face:


Just published a new update to Reclass with the above changes!



If you have any feedback, bug reports or suggestions, feel free to leave them here :grinning:


Hiya! Love this plugin!

I noticed in the most recent update that you now get this warning in output everytime you test your game in studio.

Wondering if you can give us the option to turn that off? I prefer to have my output window as empty as possible so that when bugs do appear I don’t have to scroll past a warning message that I don’t really need to do anything about.



This should be fixed now! Thanks for reporting the issue :slightly_smiling_face:


how do I fix this?

why is it positioned there, how do I move it out of the way?

I had a similar problem. What I did was resize the widget (bottom right) and it should allow you to drag it.

How exactly does ReClass work? This thing of API sounds really good (that’s why I see the VideoFrame object)!

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Can this be extended to allow me to double-click on the class I wish to convert to (shortcut), instead of only clicking the class then clicking on convert?

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That sounds like a really useful suggestion! I’ll look at adding shortcuts like those to Reclass :slightly_smiling_face:

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That’s a Roblox issue - a workaround for now is to use Alt + Space, then choose Move and use the arrow keys to bring the window back on screen.

Simplistically speaking, Reclass uses a web service (CloneTrooper1019’s Client Tracker) to get information about all instance class types in the game. This includes stuff like what properties different class types have, and how closely related they are to each other. Using that information, Reclass can perform accurate conversions between all different class types, so you could convert a TextButton into a MeshPart if you really wanted to (but why?)

On top of that, Reclass implements a smart recommendation system that learns your most common conversions as you use the plugin. This means that the most relevant classes show up at the top of the list, and you can do ‘automatic conversion’ in one click by letting Reclass predict what class you want to convert to.

This means Reclass is more versatile and flexible than other class converters, which are usually only built to convert between a few class types.


i was messing around with this plugin then i realised something that could fix up the decal conversion a bit first change being: make the automatic class change texture instead of surfaceGUI for decals and textures, The second change would be making textures fix to the size of the surface the decal is on Example Here if these changes come into the more recent versions of Reclass it could help with decals/textures

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Thanks for the feedback! The order of suggested classes is based on the conversions you do most often - if you do some conversions more than others, they’ll automatically move up the list. The top suggested option will be used when you use the Automatic button (you’ll see this option highlighted with a yellow outline)

I opt not to implement special behaviour for different classes because it might end up becoming confusing or too complicated if there’s too many special cases. This also helps Reclass work seamlessly with newer Roblox updates without any bugfixes or patches needed, as the code is much simpler and easily generalisable.

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Quenty’s plugin has served me well for a long time, but it has so many little annoyances and actually crashed on me today. So, I’m excited to give Reclass a go! It sounds awesome

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Awesome! I’d love to hear back after you’ve given it a try - if there’s anything about the first time experience you struggled with, or any preferences you’d like to configure :slightly_smiling_face:

It worked like a charm! I’m definitely keeping it. I don’t have any preferences I wanna configure yet, but I’ll let you know if I do

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I seem to be getting long freezing issues whenever I load a place with this plugin enabled, and the more assets there in the place the longer it freezes it seems like. One of my places with a large amount of meshes/textures stays frozen for over 3 minutes after launch, while a baseplate loads fairly quickly.

Exact same issue with InCommand too, I had to disable both of them to fix it.


That’s interesting - I don’t see why place size should have any performance implications since neither Reclass nor InCommand do any iteration over the entire data model.

Do you have a repro place I can use to test it out?

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Maybe there’s something that gets queued in the ContentProvider? For me it’s noticable in pretty much any place that have multiple unique assets in them, in the baseplate it’s still instant.

Looking at the map the freeze stops about when all meshes load