Recommendations on effectively having this car move

Hi there!

My goal here is to try and make this car go up the hill (in a semi-realistic manner) and down the road up there. I’ve thought of using a humanoid, attaching the car to the humanoid, and using waypoints to get the car to the desired destination but I think this is ineffective.

I’d appreciate any ideas or suggestions!

There’s a minecart tutorial around here on the forum somewhere, but that’s how I would do it.

Have some waypoints along the road and have it tween between them to make it smoothly move to it.

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Do you recommend any specific way of going about this?

Let me try and find my code I made for someone’s boat they had moving around. Because it’s the same concept.

Something like the code I have here.
Also, here is the link to the mine cart article I mentioned

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Thanks. I will have to take a look.