I made a module that records player actions that can later be played again!
You can customize the module, in the settings. I think its support all rigs
recordModule.rbxm (10.8 KB)
local recordSettings = {
maxFrames = 99999, -- if record have too many frames, client to be lag (max frames value)
recordTransparency = .85, -- transparency model while recording
randomly = true, -- show randomly rigs on recording (i think better if its true)
recordLine = true, -- show a record line character (requied humanoidrootpart)
recordLineTransparency = 1, -- record line transparency
recordLineMaterial = Enum.Material.Neon, -- record line material
recordLineColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 26), -- record line color
recordLineSize = .13, -- record line size
recordShape = Enum.PartType.Ball, -- record line part type
recordLineOffset = CFrame.new(0,5,0), -- offset record liner
warns = true, -- show warns in console
I made this module in 1 hour if anyone really needs it. You can improve this module and release a unique Update
and its my first module which I’m publishing