Refreshing models

Is there anyway possible to reload or refresh a model without cloning? Because I use Collection Service and the tags ‘dissapear’ or the script for it won’t run for some reason.

I have a round system script, I am giving the selected map a new parent Workspace. Whenever the round has ended the map will go back to their original parent ReplicatedStorage. There are some models that have been changed (for example parts have been destroyed), is there anyway possible by refreshing the models?

I know you can clone but that messes up some things for my map.

The best way is indeed to put this model into ServerStorage, to clone it when you need it and to parent this clone to the workspace.

local Model = game:GetService("ServerStorage").Model
local Clone = Model:Clone()
Clone.Parent = workspace

What would be the issues caused by :Clone() ?

When I clone the tag of the model is gone. Even if I have a script inside of a folder with all of the models, the script that detects the tags doesn’t seem to detect them.

So your folder contains models and a script, and it is parented to ServerStorage ?

function s(model, parent)
  model:Clone().Parent = parent or model.Parent
  model:Destroy() -- idk if u want to put this

s(script.rig, workspace)
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I think cloning wouldn’t solve the issue.

Because I use Collection Service and the tags ‘dissapear’ or the script for it won’t run for some reason.

This is the script:

local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")

for i, v in ipairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do
	CollectionService:AddTag(v, "Lucky Block")

Oof, I’m not used to CollectionService.
I’m not gonna be able to help you on this :droplet:°◡°

No problem. It’s all very confusing, when I change the parent it works but otherwise it doesn’t.

Atleast I want to clone the map (the object clones with). I read another post (Does a cloned object still carry a Tag by CollectionService?) but there they see that it is indeed possible. Whenever I try to clone the object doesn’t carry the tag anymore.

Fixed by using cloning and this: CollectionService | Roblox Creator Documentation

I also have a new problem: Tag doesn't clone witht the object, CollectionService - #18