[REFURBISHED] Adonis Guide V2.0

Hey, I am wondering that is it possible to change the font for messages from :m :sm or :n ?


To my understanding there is currently no way to change the font, however there are different themes you can use, I hope that helps!


Depends which commands you use. If you just use :ban it server bans the person. If you use :gameban it bans them in all servers permanently.


Unless, you use trello, as trello update every 60 seconds (default) and bans throughout all servers, if you put someones username in a “ban” list. :slight_smile:


Added a mini section about custom commands, might go more in depth with it if people want me to, basically all custom commands are useful for is doing operations with admin levels.

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Adonis Contributor here! :wink: We have moved our new Loader (and MainModule) to the Epix Inc. Group so we can update it directly from Rojo, the Loaders from Sceleratis and Davey_Bones will all redirect to the new one. Adonis Admin Loader [Epix Incorporated] - Roblox


You can just make a theme and change the font in the ui


Updated the URL in the 2nd part.


Forgot to get back to you, thanks for the source code I managed to get a work around for my issue


Glad you could find a resolution to your problem!


We could do a guide on using the various moderation features Adonis offers (just look at the different command options for banning alone). I came up with the help button in the commands list (and the cmd count in the title) but it isn’t a full user manual yet.

EDIT: In-game usage of Adonis probably isn’t best documented on the DevForum.


Bascially, Adonis uses Roblox datastores to save data, persistent across servers, such as permissions (ranks), warnings and bans assigned in-game with commands, as well as settings/preferences for individual players (ie. player data).

Having a randomized datastore key (which says where all the data is stored) is a security measure against malicious server side scripts attempting to tamper with the data, since the exact key is needed to access the data.

Game creators leaving the datastore key as the default will be notified with a warning upon joining the game to change the key along with instruction on how to do so.


Adonis is a very flawed administration tool and contains a lot of vulnerabilities which the creator has not fixed even know they have been reported.

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Would you mind providing any specific examples?

Also, do note that compared to other admin systems (such as HD Admin) Adonis has way sophisticated security mechanisms in place. Nothing is ever perfect, don’t expect it to be.

Known vulnerabilities are discussed and usually fixed by the contibution community besides the creator of Adonis. Most of the issues can’t be magically or easily patched, but effort is being made.

EDIT: if you’re using an outdated version of Adonis it’d obviously contain greater flaws and vulns.

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I hate to detract from this conversation, but you yourself are one of those people who make fake adonis models with backdoors?


Hell yeah, he’s the one implementing backdoors in fake adonis models :rofl:

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Thank you for your co-operation ma’am.

I mean hovering your mouse over the specific commands do give you a short description on what their operations do, I assumed that was enough. Adonis commands are pretty easy to understand after a while of using anyway. Somethings are more experience than learning.

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side note; i did list the main module bc new ppl will probably use one of those backdoors, unfortunately there are ppl like said user creating those backdoors

No, because I use them for my backdoor and I don’t want them getting patched. (Except the dumb notification fireclient string escape which makes no sense to be in a LBI in the first place)