Release Notes for 435

Exactly why I no longer use it to detect certain noobsploits. But, game.ItemChanged has to genuinely be one of the most 1. Abusable 2. Laggiest and 3. Genuinely useless events in all of Roblox in my opinion. I know one concern of Roblox is keeping down API clutter, so, I almost wonder if a Service, which potentially could be called like “DeprecatedAPIService” which would contain various properties (that’d probably have to be adjusted by a builtin plugin with permissions from a UI standpoint that way normal scripts and plugins wouldn’t be able to access them) that would remove, disable, or change the functionality of many now deprecated APIs.

For example, removing ItemChanged from the game and studio, removing .changed and lowercase variants of stuff in it’s entirety, changing the arguments of FindPartOnRay and similar to exclude terrainCellsAreCubes. This could work a lot like fast flags except per-place and, in the case of for example free models, if one of these APIs is used it could state in the error something along the lines of “Please enable X deprecated API to use this feature.” These “declutter” flags could be enabled by default in new places (already published places would have to enable them) and they’d help massively with switching over to non deprecated code since it’s a matter of running, clicking errors, updating the API, and repeating in a majority of cases.

I might make a feature request on this, dunno if it’s at all plausible and performance-wise I could see it being undesirable haha. Dunno, I’ll think about it some more :thinking:


I remember meeting someone during my 2015 internship who wanted to push for different Roblox “builds” that you can select for your game to improve performance and clean up heap used by deprecated API’s. I really like the idea, but I’m not sure it really fits Roblox’s vision.

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