Release Notes for 603

Do shapecasts also work with unions?

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Iā€™m very glad to see Shapecast coming in the near future.
I do believe it would be best for Shapecast to have its own ā€œPositionā€ parameter so developers donā€™t have to potentially make rapid position updates to a part/mesh to change where the cast originates.
Iā€™m not sure if rapid position updates would have any noticeable affect, but I feel it would be generally better for Shapecast to have itā€™s own position just for ease of use anyway.

Is there any possibility this could or would be changed before release?
I just feel this would be a nice small improvement.

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they also added the assistant from the rdc keynote, but they basically degraded it into an assistant that tells you how to do things rather than actually doing them

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How do you use EditableMesh?
Iā€™m trying to make it work, but apparently itā€™s not allowed according to a localscript from the startergui that iā€™ve made.

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Itā€™s not yet released.

Iā€™m not completely sure, but I think people that play around with it early use a FFlag editor to toggle them on before release.

Probably best to wait for release though.

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We found an important issue in buffer implementation a few days before this release, so it has to be delayed until the next update.



This was planned for from the start, actually.
An optional cframeOverride argument will be added in the first or second release of 2024. Adding optional args is backwards compatible, so it didnā€™t need to come in the initial release.


Noone be talking about tho the Controllermanager game/studio fix and yet it takes (as of 21th, nov) 8 days to fix/stop pending in for something critical.

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The next client release is after Thanksgiving, so you might have to wait until then. I think the fix is in the codebase already; but thereā€™s a release cycle and for the crashes to completely stop there has to be a forced client update on all platforms (mobile, desktop, console)

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so uhh, what do you mean by changed how indoor dynamic environment maps are made? did you improve it? Because that could be incredibly useful

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Iā€™m not sure I like that this will make the API weird later down the line, but I am glad that it is still planned.

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This isnā€™t a miss by the way, it was intentionally designed with that parameter order in the first place.

Most shapecasts will likely be from the current position thanks to being used for some form of continuous collision detection or because the part was created for the sole purpose of doing the cast (meaning youā€™re free to move the part as the way of setting the position).

Having to include the position to use a RaycastParams would probably be more awkward because most raycasts do use a RaycastParams: Youā€™d force the boilerplate of specifying the position.


This actually makes a lot of sense. Thank you for the explanation, I donā€™t mind it as much as I thought I did.

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Weā€™re in the process of changing the envmap system to incorporate information about parts that exist between the player and the envmap probe.

A probe and a focus point-e.g. the camera- should now have a straight line unblocked through them at the moment an envmap is placed. This prevents some issues where the envmap is generated in a space physically separate from the camera such as another room.

Please let us know how this change impacts your experience with the platform. :slight_smile:


Thats cool, but still no plans on adding manually placed probes right?


this does fix some problems that I had previously, but I donā€™t think its enough for me to rely on using env maps on false reflections. but nice update!.. next add a shader node editor :frowning:


I really feel like that the envmap system needs to be removed and replaced with manual cubemap placement. Automatic generation is just too broken and unreliable. Not to mention its not even parallax corrected :nauseated_face:


I am not aware of any plans to allow manual placement of probes.


how about you make it one :cold_face: shouldnā€™t it have been easier to just allow manual placement, instead of having to do all the math to get those auto generated ones?


Why not? Why not keep the current system alongside a manual placement system? Cubemaps that are currently available are genuinely awful and unusable.

Like how is it to much to ask for us to have a static cubemap probe.

Instead we get terrible 128x128 render target view cubemapsā€¦
