Release Notes for 618

i was playtesting just now and the IsEligibleToPurchaseSubscription key was picked up by my PolicyService wrapper - is this linked to release 618 as well?


additionally, is the value 0 (which my wrapper reads as false) because the feature isn’t fully rolled out yet?

IsEligibleToPurchaseSubscription hasn’t been documented on the PolicyService page so i was wondering if this was the case


Finally, I always wondered why setting a parts velocity when it was not parented would not work.


Disables the effect of SoundService.AmbientReverb on instances in the new audio API.

Why? Isn’t it useful to have this global property?

Is there an easy way to add reverb effects to all audio in the game using the new Audio API without manually adding it to every instance?


Just because something can be useful doesn’t mean that it makes sense to do. Global variables are awfully convenient in the short run but tend to cause a lot of awkward problems in the long run.

The new Audio API tries to avoid having global state unlike the old one.


You can easily do this yourself using a singular AudioReverb instance & a wire chain.

As @tnavarts said, that kind of global state is terrible for structure later on. Generally most “global” things become a pain later down the line


Did studio performance drop massively with this update? I was running a place fine at a smooth 60 fps, then i updated studio and the performance got halved unless i dropped my graphic quality level


Nice to see this one fixed!


Are we ever going to see more control for the EQ? I saw that there is a mid range Hz control now but no high and low controls? Will we ever get a slider based parametric EQ? 3-Band EQ would be great if there was band Hz control. The audio emitter fix was definitely needed.


I think you guys want me to know that secret store is now available


In addition to what @tnavarts said about global state not being ideal, SoundService.AmbientReverb didn’t really work well with AudioPlayers & AudioDeviceInputs.

Since 3d spatialization is accomplished by separate AudioEmitters in the new API, file-players and device-inputs ended up sending un-spatialized, “2d” sound to the global reverb, even if they were wired to one or more emitter(s) :sweat_smile:


Editablemesh? Its in beta features open YouTube and see how it works

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In Bloxstrap (did i spell it correctly?)we believe :100::fire:

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Any idea when this is releasing? Been waiting 28 days for it, still isn’t live.

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Hey @iiLiamz_Law, this release note refers to the distance attenuation API, which is complete in and of itself, but we’re working on some QOL & usability improvements before enabling it

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no worries, thanks for the update!

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hi @ReallyLongArms, is there any more updates regarding the rolloff editing & distance attenuation API for AudioEmitter objects? this is a major feature for my game audio system, and would love to be able to get my game released ASAP with this new rolloff editing!

Hey @iiLiamz_Law; in case you missed it we released this on Friday!


Hey @ReallyLongArms, is there any expected release date for the .Ended event to be added to AudioPlayers?

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.Ended and .Looped should already be live; if these are not triggering correctly please file a bug report!

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