Do Vector2s make use of the native Luau vector type yet or is that still pending?
No, and atleast I dont think they ever will because vectors can only have one metatable set to them, and that metatable is the one Vector3s use.
No, and they never will (at least there’s no plans for that).
Though if you’re writing number crunching where the difference matters significantly you can just write it using Vector3s and convert to a Vector2 before you write the results into an instance property.
when will this update release? cant update to this version yet
Yes finally!!
I thank the Roblox Team for consistently making awesome fixes and additions to the Roblox Engine
They had to roll back to v649 on some devices due to some issues present in v650, so I assume you gotta wait until v651 releases (which is in a few days)
lol that’s funny, I tried the model duplication thing and it didn’t crash for me for whatever reason
also my studio just updated to v651, check yours for any updates
Ye it’s 651, it got worse for me on that version.
What is that button?
like now we have 3 ways to report
- esc menu
- topbar
- the chat window??
(srry for low res picture)
whats bloom? ive never heard of it
Bloom (sometimes referred to as light bloom or glow) is a computer graphics effect used in video games, demos, and high-dynamic-range rendering (HDRR) to reproduce an imaging artifact of real-world cameras. (Stole off wikipedia.) Bloom (shader effect) - Wikipedia
Here’s a image reference for such, It was from a reddit post, but gets the job done.
Is the Vector RFC released? doing print(vector) returns the methods vector has