Release Notes for 665

Some nice optimisations here, the verbosity of these notes are great to see too

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One of the few Notes where everything seems to be in the correct category, honestly I must applaud the Roblox team for working even harder on this one just to make sure nothing that begins with “Fixes” is in Improvements


That’s what I was thinking. I feel like a tint mask would be a lot more powerful as a separate map though. If the alpha channel is used for the mask, we won’t be able to use tint masks for transparent textures, right? Glad to see SurfaceAppearance is getting more features either way


Nice optimizations! Optimize user experience by adding ingame join group prompt!




I managed to fix this by having the ControllerPartSensor parented to the HumanoidRoot and using the OnRead SensorMode if anyone gets stumped on what to do. It just didn’t play nice with custom sensors.


Will WebSocketClient ever become usable to developers?

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any reason why accessing properties of an instance with extra bytes after the property name was removed? it was probably an unintended feature bug is my best guess. anyways, RIP to a really cool way of defending against getnamecallmethod()

also finally some syntax highlighting for types lol


You can read about the removal here: Indexing to a function, signal or property with the C __index metamethod of Instances breaks on long strings unless it is in camelCase - #14 by WheretIB


How is keyboard support going for iOS devices?

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…Does this include particle effects?

Can’t help but feel like this is related to AuroraService :eyes:


When will this update be pushed to the client

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Idk if its only me but when I make a loop e.g. models roblox doesn’t give me any autocompletion for this:

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No specific schedule I expect–I would stop relying on this whenever you are able to.

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Yeah I noticed that too, really obvious. I’m not against it or anything, just seems strange it wasn’t listed in the changes.


Why get rid of it? There’s really no good reason, and honestly, the decision just feels completely unnecessary.


It’s not necessarily smooth scrolling fundamentally being an issue, but rather the current implementation of smooth scrolling in ScrollingFrames is not tuned very well for tooling use cases which show a lot of dense text like the Explorer, it’s tuned more for stuff like in-experience user interfaces.

The conservative choice is to give the new Explorer the exact same scrolling the previous Explorer had for now to avoid disruption when we release it. In the meantime we can figure out a broader solution for the scroll behavior in Studio as a whole.


This has been a very, very long time coming. I’m incredibly happy to see that a WebSocketService is on the radar in the future; you can use WebSockets for all sorts of things.

For those unaware, a few things that Web Sockets enable:


Wouldn’t we need proper alpha map support for that, though? TGAs are still unrecognized by Studio. Honestly, it feels redundant, as you could already use the alpha map as a tint mask if you set it to “Overlay”, unless this does something different to what I’m thinking.

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Roblox Chaos Mod is gonna be a thing now