Reminder Regarding Permissible Links

I did go through all the posts in this thread before asking my question, but the policy still doesn’t seem completely black-and-white. The initial post stated that using permissible links to circumvent the on-site link restrictions is not allowed.

As I’m sure we’re all aware, that’s exactly what I’m up to :kissing_heart:

To rephrase the question in a more indirect and lofty way that will be less incriminating for a staff member to answer:

Is it acceptable to put links in a twitter bio that are not permissible on Roblox while still linking to that twitter profile on Roblox?

The last thing I want is for all my stuff to get taken down for linking to this twitter profile.

Happy holiday to anyone who may be celebrating today :turkey:


I can imagine there are gradations in this that need to be judged on a case-by-case. For example, posting a NSFW link/image in your bio or pinned tweet would make it an actual (and pretty bad) violation of the rule, and people should actually be moderated for posting links to such profiles/tweets.

For discord links specifically, it has been specified in this thread that, at this moment in time, it is fine to stick these in a (pinned) tweet or your bio, as long as you do not link to the (pinned) tweets on Roblox directly and you don’t accompany your links on Roblox with text such as “Find the discord code on my twitter: <…>”, “Discord: <twitter link>”, etc. There should be no reference to Discord in the place where you link your twitter, and if you’re linking to a tweet then that specific tweet should not have references to Discord.


What about those who get around it by posting a tweet with their discord link, then linking the tweet?

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Guys what you could do is put all of your links and stuff on a twitch dashboard and just send your people to the twitch link.

edit: as long as the offsite links are not directly what I am linking to on Roblox.

Check out the few responses above yours and Lilly_S’s responses for clarification. You may not link to a tweet containing a discord link directly, that would be seen as circumventing the rule.

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So we shouldn’t relate Roblox with Discord on Roblox? That’s it? That’s how we bypass this rule?

Diverting the attentions to something else and supplying the Discord link as an extra outside of Roblox is actually fine?

We all want to use Discord.

  • All of the Roblox clans use it.
  • All of Roblox development studios use it.
  • Nearly every single active community on Roblox has a Discord server.
  • There are Discord servers for communities created in games themselves like Phantom Forces.

And we will, always find a way to use it anyways. These regulations and rules aren’t actually stopping anything, only furthermore annoying us to be creative about how to relay the Discord Server ID to people.

I don’t think Roblox is actually solving any problems with this if they truly want to protect people below the age of 13. I do not know the regulations legal wise or if doing this they get rid of laws binding them if something “bad” happened to a kid.

What you could do is, you could create a bot for Discord servers that uses the same filtering system you currently use for your game and make that mandatory. Cross check every Discord ID on Roblox site via a program that checks with which servers bot is on, and if bot isn’t registered in one of those servers, get rid of that link.

But I don’t think you will ever do this, so whatever. Apparently, it’s time for the developers and community leaders to get creative.


If we really want to consider going in this direction, It’s bad.

  1. Want Twitter codes? There’s Twitter TOS.

  2. You can link the server on your Twitter account and no one will bat an eye.

  3. It might make community smaller. I’m a friendly person and I like to talk with fans.
    I do not make Discord servers for my games though…

  4. Can we mention our Steam IDs or anything else?

Please, do not limit us.


Yes because you wouldn’t be directing users to the Discord link directly.

Cases that aren’t allowed:

  • Linking to a pinned tweet with a discord link.
  • Linking to a tweet with a discord link.
  • Linking to your twitter profile / tweets and writing, on Roblox, something along the lines of: "Find the Discord guild/code/link on my Twitter: < link to your twitter profile >. This is circumvention of the rule which isn’t allowed.

Cases that are allowed (for now, as of the staff posts in this thread):

  • Linking to a tweet completely unrelated to Discord without mentioning Discord on Roblox, while there is Discord information elsewhere on your Twitter.
  • Linking to your profile (not pinned tweet) which has a (pinned) tweet / bio with Discord link in it, but you don’t specifically mention Discord on Roblox where you put the link.


I think an overhaul of the parental control page would fix our problems.

Clear with a number of comprehensible settings, e.g.

Links/other websites
Can your child view potentially unsafe off-site links?
Can your child view whitelisted off-site links?

With basically settings for everything. I think this should get rid of potential issues in the future, as long as they get updated for newer features and the like.


If the issue is players under 13 could you not simply filter it from those who are under 13 using the existing filtering systems?

However I have personally seen some utterly deplorable content on Discord and Roblox players will be subjected to the worst of it regularly. Furthermore Roblox staff will be powerless to track reports of the inappropriate content that hides behind the links. As such I do not support allowing Discord links on Roblox.

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It’s frustrating that you can’t just post the invite to your community’s Discord server on the ROBLOX site itself, even though it could be bypassed by just making a Tweet and pasting it in there.

Wouldn’t it be possible to filter these links out for users under the age of 13? I think that that would be a fair solution for all parties.


You do have a point, however Roblox staff also doesn’t have any say over the content people tweet, post on YouTube, or host on Twitch.


Lol, kinda contradictory…

As a lot of developers on this forum are also stating Discord is a huge part of my ROBLOX experience. I currently have a partnered server (Hidden Developers) with 2,400 members which have absolutely no hope of gaining members in our Discord community since it is 100% based on ROBLOX development and learning new skills which now is completely moderated and if I try to advertise our members to join our discord I will get heavily punished for it.

My server has strict rules that are required to be followed by a professional warning system and bans for users who will not follow the set rules. I would be happy to modify the server rules in any way to allow myself to advertise the server as this is extremely important and without posting my discords code I have no hope of expanding my already huge community into something even better.

I also have a system set up so that you are required to not only wait 10 minutes but also, have verified your ROBLOX account with Discord to talk in our server.

ROBLOX staff need to put a system in place which allows users to apply for permission to have their discord server whitelisted as Discord is huge and helps developers with their server and keeping in touch with their player base so much. I currently have 3 ROBLOX staff in my Discord who actively chat and keep engaged with my users.


There is by far worse content on Twitter, YouTube, and Twitch. Discord is the safest as there is an actual moderation system on Discord.


i’m offended i wasn’t included in this :frowning: I help w/ the Roblox Community server too!


Love the image used. Sums up most of the major changes ROBLOX has made.

I too would like to say something, I also volunteer my time at Hidden Developers, and seeing what will happen concerns me. Like what @nforeman stated above, Twitter has far worse things on it.

Once you create an account on Discord, there’s nothing. The only way to find a server is perhaps going on Roblox and seeing a Discord code. There is no such way for a user that is 13 or younger to find him or herself in a 18+ material server without doing anything. Unless that user were to go to extreme lengths and go online to find a server of that nature, and in that case, that’s more of an issue far beyond Roblox. The Hidden Developers server, like @HoudiniDev said, is strictly moderated and all 18+ content is not allowed. We run mainly for Roblox developers to hire people and sell their services.

Twitter on the other hand is quite easy to find yourself in a bad spot. Once you’ve created an account on Twitter, you’ll find it very easy to follow certain profiles which include 18+ content. I’ve even found myself seeing this content. The point is, I hope we find a solution to this Discord link problem and I hope we find it soon.


One thing I haven’t really seen brought up is that this isn’t just regarding links. This is literally an attack directly at Discord in general. You physically can not mention Discord at all on the site according to this, you can post a code, the name of Discord, etc.

Which is absurd, those aren’t links, they are codes and a name. That’s kinda stretching the rules a bit too far.


Same with Skype, actually. But nobody cares about Skype anyway