(Remodeled and Finished) Low Poly Cliff

This is just a post asking for feedback on my cliff with flowers, grass, and rocks. I also changed the colors. The lighting may mess it up a bit. This is the last one for now! :doh:

(Before foilage on the left, After foliage on the right)


wow. thats just insane. some parts like here:Screen Shot 2021-04-27 at 9.34.21 PM
may look a little weird but its great! especially because of the grass and foliage. be sure to add bushes next time! and more curvature!


I didn’t even think about bushes! You gave me an amazing idea thank you so much!

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you could have tiny little trees if you wanted, too!

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Im glad you read my feedback and added shrubbery on the cliffs looks great!

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That’s looking awesome! But you can maybe add some little trees, some bushes and some more detail to the rock parts. Other than that, nice!

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Damn! It looks way better than before, good job!

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I’m OBSESSED with how good it looks.

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Wow! This is so good now I want to be a model maker lol

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For low poly is looks great! maybe just add detail to the mountain? For example. add curves in the mountain maybe? But otherwise looks outstanding! :slight_smile:

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Curves wouldn’t match the building style otherwise I would 100% do that.

That’s awesome, as long as you’re going for a bit of a cartoony aspect. If you want it to be realistic, adding textures to the grass and stone would look pretty great.

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Nice, did you bevel the edges? it looks very good :+1:

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Yeah I used a rounded off mesh