Remote event fires randomly?

No, I have only one remote event, and that is the only one being fired.

If it is not prompting your Gamepass or Devproduct then it is malicious code, if it is, then it’s definitely your code. Try making all GUI’s visible and clicking in places to clarify that the issue is random. Is this basically the whole script?

Yes, it is the whole script, and this is all my GUI

I suggest use Ctrl + Shift + F in studio. I used to have this problem myself where some random pop up would give other users prompts to buy an item. However, this prompt was only for their screen but not mines.

When you use Ctrl + Shift + F, try searching the Finding Bar “require(” then click find all. Once that happens, it should take you to a bar that says “Find All Results” which gives you the results of the code you are trying to find in all of your scripts. When it shows your results in the tab, click on the parts that have require and it should take you to the script that has that specific code inside.

Then, since it’s hard to find the script in the Explorer tab, I’d just delete the script/and or replace everything in that script with the following, “print(‘Hi World!’)”. Try doing this for each of your “require(random numbers)” scripts. If the scripting doesn’t have random numbers/variable that is equivalent to random numbers in the the argument, then you should replace it. Eventually, you’ll end up without any pop ups if you’ve done this process successfully. Let me know if anything goes wrong.

I have already used Ctrl+Shift+F, and my only requires are some requires in the Chat modules, and a require to the DataStore2 module. Nothing else that could be used for malicious purposes is in the game.

Do you have any sort of virus plugin? I have like 2, those also contributed to me not having the viruses.

These are all my plugins.

Some of them, I’m trying to remove but i have no clue how.

There may be something hidden in scripts that only the game can see. By checking that in settings. Try getting this plugin it may help. Then run it by clicking on it. Ro-Defender™ Plugin v8.7 - Roblox

Let me know what it prints at the top bar/in your output when you use it.


Can you please check if all your plugins are from the original creators and are trusted? People might have duplicated the plugins, injected virus into them and uploaded them.

Yes, they are all by the original creators.

This has become an interesting issue. I don’t think it has to do with malicious code or viruses. I think it’s an issue with the code in my game.

I also would like to resolve the issue so I can continue development on my obby.

Could it be due to my use of remote events? Should I prompt the purchase on the client and then use the remote event to teleport the player to the next stage?

No, that is my only GUI there, and when I enter the Roblox Menu, then the prompt purchase occurs. I would like the issue to be resolved really quickly.

I don’t want this post to count as spam, but I need to bump it up so people can notice this post so it can be resolved as quickly as possible.

Is anyone noticing this post at all?

My theory: The Press Y on Xbox hotkey to skip the stage may have some connection with the keyboard on other platforms like Computer thus causing the remote event to fire (For example, clicking Y on keyboard)

Just put a print(“test”) in the PromptPurchase function. If the remote is getting fired, youll see if it was from the connection or from something else.

@Storeguy Could the connection tie to the Roblox Menu opening?

@NachtHemd I’ll try that and get back to both of you.

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