Remote Event Messed Up

it works man tysm I really appreciate this help

the error is simple what happens is that you use the same remote event use several remote events or you must refer to which remote event send example:

ReplicatedStorage.DonatedRobux.OnServerEvent:Connect(function( " donar esto 10 "player, amountDonated)
	player.leaderstats.Donated.Value += amountDonated
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Also, you can just use one script. Let’s try this:

  • Delete all scripts from the buttons.
  • Create a script under ScreenGui, and do the following:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Remote_Donated = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("DonatedRobux") 

local donateButtons -- forget this, refer to my last comment

function onDonate10Activated()
	local id = 1 -- id for 10
	MarketplaceService:PromptProductPurchase(Players. LocalPlayer, id)
	local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
	MarketplaceService.PromptProductPurchaseFinished:Connect(function(player, assetId: id, purchaseSuccess)
		if purchaseSuccess then
-- repeat for each button
-- im on mobile, wont bother to continue writing.

This is not so recommended if the player has bad internet then it could bug or it would take longer to trigger the event what you should do is use different remote events
edit : or refer to a remote event in a different way

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plus you don’t have to create different RemoteEvents as people say. Using certain parameters should be enough.

cough cough the memory

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if that is correct but I gave him several options just in case:

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apologies for bumping but why would you use remote events for something like this? exploiters can easily take advantage of this to cheat onto the leaderboard

edit: @p49p0 gave a good example below me of how you could handle this safely

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also @Developer4Lifee i suggest listening from the serverside. since clientside is never trustable. put this on your serverscript:

local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketPlaceService")
MarketPlaceService.PromptProductPurchaseFinished:Connect(function(plr, assetId, purchased)
	if (purchased) then
		-- identify the assetid
		local info = MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo(assetId)
		local price = info.PriceInRobux
		player.leaderstats.Donated.Value += price

and change all your localscripts to

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

local id = 1265665801

	MarketPlaceService:PromptProductPurchase(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer, id)

@Inkthirsty tru tru i agree


Simple. One Localscript, which handles buttons. One Serverscript, which handles purchases and the rest.

Also, one Localscript. Don’t create one per button. Please.

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yeah lol I made this script from a tutorial a year ago

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If it’s AlvinBlox then I’m not surprised.

Well, you got your tips, have fun scripting.

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what do you mean by identify it? Make sure that it’s the right asset id?

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identify the (price of) asset the player bought.

what would I use to do that i’m kinda confused my bad, not to experienced with this kind of stuff

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i already wrote it below the comment. if you dont know what’s a comment, a comment in lua is a line that starts with -- or starts with --[[ and ends with ]]

oh shoot my bad I thought you were trying to get me to write something there because usually I see the comment on the same line as the piece of code that your explaining.

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local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
MarketPlaceService.PromptProductPurchaseFinished:Connect(function(player, assetId, purchased)
	if (purchased) then
		local info = MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo(assetId)
		local price = info.PriceInRobux
		player.leaderstats.Donated.Value += price

I’ve ran into a issue here

nvm change it to

local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
MarketPlaceService.PromptProductPurchaseFinished:Connect(function(userId, assetId, purchased)
	if (purchased) then
		local info = MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo(assetId)
		local price = info.PriceInRobux
		local player = Players:GetPlayerByUserId(userId)
		if (not player) then return end;
		player.leaderstats.Donated.Value += price

i forgor PromptProductPurchaseFinished gives userid on the first argument, my bad

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The reason why this is happening is because you aren’t checking the asset id of the product purchased which results in every purchase stacking up ur value. Also I would like to mention many of the methods here replied as solutions are inefficient and bad practice. PromptProductPurchaseFinished on the docs says you shouldn’t use it to handle dev product purchases.

another thing, this is mostly insecure do to the fact you’re firing a remote event with the amount donating. Leaving place for an exploiter to constantly fire the event and rack up more of his “donated” robux. A better way is to handle the prompt purchase on the client and do the donation handling entirely on the server(no client!)

To do this, we can simply just use ProcessReceipt, which will let us handle the donation handling entirely on the server. Also resulting in a more efficient, working, secure, and also a faster script as processreceipt happens as soon as the product is done being bought. While PromptPurchaseFinished takes around 2-3 seconds to activiate.

Updated client script(also you should stop the copy paste scripting and instead handle it thru a single script with a forloop going thru the buttons and automatically prompting the id thru an intvalue in the buttons):

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

local id = 1265665801

	MarketPlaceService:PromptProductPurchase(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer, id)

updated server:

local MPS = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local donationIds = {
	-- place the product ids of ur donation dev products here
	1265665801, -- 10 robux product id

MPS.ProcessReceipt = function(receiptInfo)
	local player = game.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(receiptInfo.PlayerId)
	if not player then -- check if player left whilst purchase was going on.
		return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet -- now when the player returns to the game, process reciept will be called
	-- proceed as player is still in game
	if table.find(donationIds, receiptInfo.PurchaseId) then
		-- the product purchased is a donation dev product, now give value
		local amountDonated = receiptInfo.CurrencySpent
		player.leaderstats.Donated.Value += amountDonated
		return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted -- now tell roblox that the purchase was successfully given.

if you have any questions then feel free to ask :slight_smile:

@Developer4Lifee, if this solves your problem then please mark my post as the solution.

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Alright appreciate you ill test it out in the morning and I hope to give you the solution!

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