Remote event not being received by client

further i think the first variable sent with an event is always the player its firing for, both ways, so try putting as first variable in the localscript “player”, and then defining the other variables:

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The player only needs to be referenced in Client > Server remote event scripts, and is only necessary when the server needs to know which player sent the remote event.

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Can you try copying your system into a new baseplate? Also, in unexpected scenarios like this, we can’t draw much conclusions other then to speculate possible causes, based on little evidence. I know you said nothings interfering, but you should you check your remotes existence when fireallclient is called. Possibly you might want to provide a place file, so we can better help.

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Yep, everything has been copied and pasted identically from the testing game

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I have checked the existence on both the client and the server as well as checking it has been fired from the server

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I have since tried copying the system into another game. This still causes it to break

don’t use the parent part of Instead, set the parent of the remote event manually using instance.Parent.

I didn’t read all the replies but have you tried just making the RemoteEvent manually instead of relying on a script to create one?

If you can’t/already tried that, try this:

local UpdateUIEvent ="RemoteEvent");
UpdateUIEvent.Parent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");
UpdateUIEvent.Name = "RaidUI";

Also check on the client that the RemoteEvent is inside ReplicatedStorage when you join in.

I have tried doing this already, the issue I am having is that the client does not appear to be receiving any information from the remote event at all when it is fired from the server

I have tried this as well as just making the remote event manually and putting it in replicated storage but this still does not work

We resolved this in a call together. The actual problem had nothing to do with this bit of code, the actual problem was a remote function in which the server infinitely yielded with no return. It is now resolved.

Nice investigation I had the same cause also. You saved my life!

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