Remote Event not Firing

in these 2 lines, you send a variable called “receiver”, but the remote function never makes the variable for it as the 1st variable in the remote function will always be the player who fired it. Instead use this:

event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, receiver)

Yes, I did put the player arg in the Server Script

Yes, I did change it and still no change

Here is the game file:

RemoteEvents.rbxl (35.5 KB)

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Uh, the TextButton is outside the GUI?

The TextButton I’m cloning is inside StarterGui

Yes, but it needs to be under a Screen GUI.

I don’t want people to see the button. But, I will put it in the ScreenGui and set visible to false

RemoteEvents.rbxl (35.5 KB)

Here you go. I have dragged the InviteTemplate into Matchmaking ScreenGUI it’s located at top left.
Now, if you try clicking it, it will give all the prints.

Thanks, I will try it out and let you know

The local script was to clone the button. Since you put it in the ScreenGui, everyone can see it

Why would you want to clone the button you could just make it visible and invisible via a script.

Its not 1 button. Its for the number of players in the game. So, make it visible/invisible wouldn’t be of any use for me

I don’t really think you should argue with something not really related to the Issue? Because it doesn’t seem like that is what is causing it

Yea, I was able to do it, sorry 'bout that, but for me it works.


There are 2 players in the game via test.

Ok, i think I may know what your problem was, I believe you were checking the client’s side of output.

Instead of the server.

Yea, so the only change you had to do was the “player” variable in the Server Script.

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Okay, so i tested it with the game file and everything seems alright, I have something to ask, because you could see the Client sided stuff print only, maybe you were viewing the Client console & not the server sided one?

I tried your game file it printed everything allright

I will check and reply [30charrrrrrr]

I later found out that it was not working in Roblox Studio, but it was working when I tested it with my friends. Thank You so much for your time, help and contribution!

I don’t really think its a studio bug, because I myself tested it in Studio, but it printed the output in Server console & not client. So you were probably looking at the client console.