Remote event not working

I strongly recommend doing this whenever you run into an error with scripts.

Just thought I’d point that out.

Absolutely agree. Debugging is extremely helpful and I learnt to do that instead of asking on the DevForum all the time, altough not everyone is aware of how to properly debug their scripts.

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Exactly, I am suprised how little scripters know this as it can be so helpful whist finding bugs and errors. I will make an in-detail post about debugging now and I will link it here later.

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And again i added that in the localscript but still no signs of activity.

Oh, it doesn’t print them? Then that means the LocalScript isn’t working at all. Can you send me the hierarchy of game please? Or at least the part with the LocalScript.

Glad someone will talk about it in-depth. Will check it out once you’re done with it.

However I might’ve found an already existing guide Guide to Debugging: Understanding Error Messages. Maybe you can write an upgraded version of it.

Alright, should be 30 minutes to an hour.

Basically my localscript is right after StarterGui and inside of localscript its just all the GUI things like frames, logos, labels if you check out my profile you can see how exactly my GUI looks.

Can you try replacing your first line with this:

local GUI = script:WaitForChild("StarterScreenGUI")

I did it and still no response in server and client logs.

I have never understood remote events they are really confusing and tutorials are unrelated to what im trying to do.

Check that scripts are not disabled. Also, why are you using a remote event for this? It does only print “Event fired”

i think you should delete the GUI by using serverscript, try to trigger the server by putting it into the if statement in localscript and proceed to delete the GUI from server

I don’t know what to suggest you anymore honestly. I tried your exact same thing and it worked fine for me.

The scripts arent disabled i checked and im using a remote event to do what i said in the post either way it wouldnt work since roblox loves to keep things hard.

@YoloGamer564 @DEVLocalPlayer I am done with the tutorial! I hope this helps you to fix the script!

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Where is the local script? Is it in startergui? I usually put my remote event inside of the local script. Then put a server script inside the remote event. This makes things easier.

Yes the localscript is in the StarterGui and the rest of my GUI is in the localscript.

Sorry but i have no clue what you are saying since i also have no clue what im doing and also this is so confusing although thanks for trying to help me.

Yes i refreshed the page, saved it several times and published it also several times.