Remote Event Tween


Sorry for my bad English. Here is the workspace.

What are the classes for the close, door, and open instances?

Union? I don’t know what is instances… (Please don’t mind my bad English.)

Your English is fine, don’t worry.
You should probably rename the unions to have a capital letter at the start, because it looks like you might be using the names of some globals in your script.

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Never mind, ignore what I just said.

Can you identify what is the name of the bar that is not moving in the video? Have you made sure you tween that bar? Because I feel like you are using individual server scripts to tween each bar.

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Yes. I am using server scripts to tween it. Bar name is door. There is 5 models and each models have close, open and door and door is bar or side one. And I am using local script to check player’s team. Because I am using the surfaceGUI.

That doesn’t make sense at all. There are 4 bars shown in the video, why is there 5 in the image? Also, please be specific which number of the bar is not moving.

You should never put local scripts in workspace unless it is a descendant of the player’s character. If you want your local scripts to run, put them in services like StarterGui.

1 Model = 1 PART (Part Name: Door, close, open)

That is the bar picture. Which the part name is door.

Still not specific enough. Which door number is this bar located under? door1? door2? door3?

Why not weld all of the door parts to a Primary part and tween the Primary part instead?

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From up
Door3 top

Door2 is side one.

So I assume Door5 is the bar that is not moving as shown in the video.

Have you made sure the script is running? Did the OPEN2() function run? Use print statements to help you identify which part of your script does not run.

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Script is not running. Hm? What I do now.

Have you made sure the script is running or not? You can test it by using print statements. If the print statements are shown in the output tab then it means the script is running, otherwise it isn’t. Check if your server script is running.

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no all doesnt work from local too

Where is the local script located? On default, a local script can only run if it is located in a tool, the character, or the player. If you want to make a local script run from anywhere else you’ll have to use the “RunContext” behavior that is shown in the properties tab!

The picture of my door model

It worked now.
Solution below.

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