Remote Events VS Bindable Events!

Hi my name is Herobrinekid1. And i have been trying to learn what the difference between. Remote Events and Bindable events are. And yes i have watched some tutorials and stuff like that. But i still don’t understand the difference between them. If somone can explain what the differences are i will be very grateful!


Bindable event allows events defined in one script to be subscribed to by another script (as it says on Developer Wiki). Subscribing basically means the two scripts communicating with each other. However a script communicating with another script is a server to server communication, and bindable events cannot communicate between the client and server.

On the other hand RemoteEvents are used to communicate between the client and server. It is important to note that RemoteEvents are a one way message so either from the client to server or server to client, but messages cannot be sent both ways.

For a bit more in depth reading and for greater understanding I would recommend reading the following articles I have linked below. It shouldn’t take long to completely understand what I am talking about.

Roblox Client and Server (What it is):

Remote Events:

Bindable Events:

Additionally if you are interested in two way messages then take a look at remote functions: