Remote Events vs one remote event with bindable events?

Whats better for network and performance multiple remote events or one remote event with bindable event?

Multiple remote events. Each gets its own queue and that means less chance of your event handling getting clogged somehow, or getting weird timing cross-coupling between event types.


A Singular RemoteEvent would Just send Data between Server and Client, If you wanted to send a specific kind of data like where the Player Clicked or if they have fired a weapon or not, Then you would use this.

A BindableEvent would only be able to Send to Scripts under the Same Context Level, States it in Documentation:

BindableEvents do not allow for communication between the server and client. If you are looking for this functionality use RemoteEvent.

It allows 2 way communication between Scripts.

For Bindable + Remote, (Assuming you are using it to Send Data to another Context Level, and having it send it out somewhere) It could work depending on where you are sending it.

But its mostly One or the Other,

I meant more like this: local script with remote event inside the remote event multiple bindables for every local script I need. Or in every local script where I need remote event have a custom one.

Do you mean have one remote event to communicate between the server and client, then having bindable events to communicate between server scripts for when that event goes off?

If that is what you mean, then do not do it. It is too many steps you don’t need


You should Probably Limit how many you use, you could use Multiple, but if you have a bunch of them doing the same thing, Just use One for that task

Using one remote and sending everything through there does not offer any performance benefits. Just go with multiple remotes.

Another argument against using a single remote is that sending a key as an identifier/specifier also takes time. Sure, it is usually negligible but consider someone with very slow connection, or consider how much time lost would accumulate over time. Check this out:

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