Remote Security [Other than Checks]

This won’t work for obvious reasons. Never have I seen a single remotespy print "remotespy" in the output lol

Some remotespys have custom guis where they display the remote info and the arguments.

Won’t help you. An exploiter can print the list of all running localscripts ans modules to their output along with their locations, then filter out the common ones like LocalSound. Alternatively they can use an explorer called Dex to look for localscripts, or even save all localscripts at once and browse them in studio.

An exploiter can check what your callback returns and replace it with their own callback.

It will greatly impair the performance and FPS aswell.

You shouldn’t primarily focus on a clientsided anti exploit. Instead add some server checks. A remote debounce, a “verification” that the player isn’t afk auto farming, like telling them to stop clicking for a second if they click too fast, etc.


My main goal here is to remove any script kiddy who thinks they’re pretty cool. And I do have a server anti-exploit.

I’ve never heard this, can you provide me some evidence?

Due to how VM obfuscators work, if you’re for instance calling an obfuscated function rapidly, your fps can drop from 60 to 3 (personal experience). Knowing that you can guess that it can drop the performance even if you don’t do what I just said.

Like this idea of telling them to stop clicking, will probably put that into practice. Thanks!