I was mobile and just added to his existing code, i know it was redundant but on mobile its hard to edit code. He never set his debounce back to false, so it was a pointless debounce.
Alright guys, I kinda fixed the issue. As tool was in starterplayer everyone had it and I guess it kinda messed up event receiving. I just put it in server storage and gave to one player. It works now, I am deeply sorry if I confused you and made you lose some braincells, first experience of asking help on DevHub but I am happy that problem is fixed. Thanks y’all!
Alright, after a lot of time bright idea came into my mind why it fires two times.
So reason is that script that receives event firing is duplicated in each tool and it will give player tool as many times as there are players with the tool.
It can be easily fixed by making only one script that receives it in server script service, for example.
As always, bright ideas come last.
Thanks everyone again.
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