oh it isn’t points it is how much players are in the team because I have to even the team.
Still is a vulnerability that could be used to mess up with the game.
I agree thank you and everyone else who tried.
Can’t you do
local Teams = game:GetService("Teams")
local Red = Teams.Red
local Players = Red:GetPlayers()
local TeamPlayers = #Players
Apologies if this isn’t what you need, but you can likely repurpose it for your needs.
It okay but I don’t think that will work but someone else solved it. so when the player leaves the script will check what team the player is then it does code which does -1 to the amount of players int value
local Teams = game:GetService("Teams")
local Red = Teams.Red
local Players = Red:GetPlayers()
local TeamPlayers = #Players
while true do
game.ReplicatedStorage.TeamLimits.RedAmount.Value = TeamPlayers
I don’t like to use while true but this will also work thx.