Removing Outlines

I actually liked outlines. It made it easy to put texture into builds that are entirely comprised of primitive BaseParts without breaking into multiple dimensions.


NOOOOOOOO!!! I LOVED OUTLINES!!! I’m quitting Roblox now, goodbye!

just kidding, nobody liked outlines. Bevels? yes. Outlines? NO!


Thank god, If you did we will be missing you! :sneezing_face:


I almost forgot outlines existed, but I remembered myself seeing them back a couple of years ago. Probably at best 2012 - 2014.

Sad to see outlines officially go. Even though it was a small difference, it feels like a memory to me, but if it’s for the sake of performance, I’ll agree to that.
At least we’re cleaning up the platform a bit, right?


Outlines wasn’t my most favorite thing in Roblox, I personally never use it for building.
The only Outlines I use was the SelectionBoxes.
Glad to see this change. Also if you toggle outlines on, The color on parts or everything will change a bit.
Also the only games I see that uses outlines were the old Roblox games (such as Crossroads)
I’m thinking that outlines was turned on by default in the past.


What would be the best way to create outlines myself?


does this actually improve performance a lot so


Aw man, I just started using them as way to give better depth and separation to parts without the heavy ambient occlusion effect you get with your Roblox graphics quality on full.
(You should let us change all the anti aliasing and such manually in-game!)

Oh well, If it’s for performance…


I don’t think anybody would mind removing outlines since… nobody uses them…


I remember outlines and the off-miscoloration they provided to the parts affected. And before that parts could have bevels, what not. This stuff seemed really optimized, like the approach to brickClatter far back. Am I wrong? In the far future is it certain we will never get these kinds of worskpace spices again? Gives a theme, character, albeit nasty and not something I’d personally use.

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You might be able to write a quick script that slightly varies the colors of the bricks. While this won’t serve the same function of outlines, it will accomplish a somewhat similar effect of giving each individual part its own emphasis.


Use a simple brick texture maybe? Try searching “texture pack,” and using a brick texture from there. There’s a few very simple brick textures you can use very similar to outlines.


You could use selection box and color the selection box black.


You can emulate the outlines effect by slightly changing the color of the bricks, adding an outline decal to all sides of the bricks, replacing the bricks with meshparts that have small bevels on them…

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I don’t mind this update but I do use them a lot when creating wooden floors boards but I’ll figure something out :stuck_out_tongue:


This is the only use case I had for it, I also used outlines to accomplish this.

Solutions I can think of:

  • Selection boxes, which is costly
  • Line adornments, which is costlier (although you could only highlight one face? not sure, would appreciate if someone told me the performance differences between sboxes and adornments)
  • Random discoloration
  • Decals, which is hard to work with
  • Move away from primitives and use bevelled MeshParts

None of these are easier than using outlines lol. But it’s a worthwhile trade for better performance


If you’re looking for something simple and basic, you can write a script that changes the colors of parts by a small random offset using the Color3 property. This would not give you outlines, but it would clearly highlight the bricks, and it’s similar to how outlines used to be rendered on low quality.

edit: ah, it’s already mentioned; 7 AM and I need a cup of tea. Still, I’d recommend trying this.


I don’t mean to insult your building style, but if you are building with standard bricks in a very classic-Roblox way, I don’t think graphics performance should be that much of a concern. I wouldn’t know exactly without a proper test, but my guess would be that decals would not have as big of an impact as you might expect. Just make sure all of the parts and decals are opaque.

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Something like this:

for _, v in pairs(workspace.Bricks:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("Part") then v.Color = Color3.fromRGB(math.random(v.Color.r * 255 - 5, v.Color.r * 255 + 5), math.random(v.Color.g * 255 - 5, v.Color.g * 255 + 5), math.random(v.Color.b * 255 - 5, v.Color.b * 255  + 5)) end end

welp, time to find out how to render your own outlines to preserve the “old school roblox” style