Removing players from the game if they swear

Hello, ROBLOX Community!
My name is Andrew, I am trying to make a Script were if someone says something such as the “f word” they get removed from the game. But if they get kicked twice then they get ban from the game. I am not much of a Scripter so I need some help.


This shouldn’t be necessary since there is a built in chat filter, but if you insist on having this, you would use a .Chatted event and then check if the sent message includes blacklisted words/phrases.


The Roblox chat filter will automatically hashtag typical ‘swear words’ therefore your player base wouldn’t be able to see any offensive content. Additionally, attempting to do this would likely not be worth your time, as there has been news recently where moderation has taken place against assets including scripts where discriminatory language was found inside, such as inappropriate variable names which a feature which you’re asking for would need to store these ‘inappropriate words’, which may lead to moderation taking place on your game.


@serverIess Thanks! That really helped.

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This possibly got me banned too, I made a giant list of swear words to filter and made things against bypassing the filter too, this is the result, I should remove it I guess. :confused:


Appeal if Possible. This topic has got me heated.

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This was a script right? Cause you most likely know roblox moderates your code. Which is frankly stupid.


I hope I can still use Developer Exchange after this, I hope this won’t get my account terminated in the future, I am scared, I don’t know if I still should continue with roblox, I made that filter just to make my game more safe, not to make it violate the TOS of roblox. It hurts me so much and I hope roblox would stop doing this, if roblox doesn’t, I guess I’ll search for a different platform. This update is so stupid I’m feeling unsafe.


If you can’t use the Developer Exchange you should talk to Roblox. The fact that Roblox does this is stupid. Who’s going to look at our code? What makes it worse is that Roblox never even told us in the beginning. They were just rummaging around in our code without our knowledge.

I want to make an advanced chat filter but I’m too scared to get my account banned and/or deleted.

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They don’t ban you for swearing in your code so long as the user doesn’t see it on the front end.


I still disagree with it so much. The player can’t see your code unless they’re exploiting. So what some exploiter sees I left a very angry comment on a function I spent hours debugging? They’re technically violating US law, which is the far bigger issue.


Any actual proof that is what it is? Did a Roblox Staff really say that’s how this works?
I got terminated over stuff that was in my code as the reason for my termination once.

I only got the chance to appeal when Community Sage members were upset about my termination reason. All of my 8+ appeal tickets just get dismissed by copy and paste saying ‘you had one appeal attempt and it’s already decided’.

Roblox Staff finally sent me a informal message over 4 months after I got my termination on January of 2020 that they deemed the termination fair but decided to unterminate me because of how the Community Sage members were upset about it. They still weren’t able to tell me what exactly in my code was deemed to be so unsafe for the Roblox platform when it’s just a game to drag and drop 300+ user quotes.


Well. You could kind of make your own chat filter by doing this for example:

	local words = {"word1", "word2"}
		local message = msg:lower()
		if table.find(words, message) then
			plr:Kick("You said a banned word")

And then you can add Bypassed words to the table. I do not highly recommend it since i don’t know if roblox will moderate you for having bypassed words in a script.