Removing Support for Third Party Closed Source Modules

It is likely though, I know because people love to reverse engineer things. People have bought some of my things to try to find out how it works. What’s stopping someone who has my code to just remake the API and bam they can resell my code, on there website.

If it doesn’t warrant a removal by Roblox, why is almost every single plugin on the front page infected with backdoors? Sure, you can delete the module they’re requiring, but it’s not realistically feasible to monitor something like that constantly.

I agree with the idea of enabling a setting under GameSettings to allow third-party source modules to be ran, but even then, it’s a grey area.

Your services are currently the minority when it comes to what third party module scripts are being used for currently.

Still, if you want to sell services, or have premium assets, the best thing is a asset store - I don’t see a problem with an asset store that can have closed-source code, unless you’re wanting to hide something in said code. Not saying you want to, but it kind of comes off that way when you’re coming off as not wanting something that would basically ensure the security of users.

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That problem is due to botting, not the system itself.

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What’s to stop someone from doing that now? I may not know the exact code but if I have access to your website and know what it does I could almost certainly rip it off with enough time and effort. It’s always an issue with serviced and intellectual property. The main thing you can count on is that most people won’t bother because, well, your version is always going to be updated first and it’ll have a better reputation than “that one that showed up and copied everything the first one did”.

But now how am I going to provide my service without modules?

Refer to these screenshots.

This is not an existing feature though. So, I still am left without a good way to share my code right now.

So suggest an asset store for Roblox to make instead of asking why we need one. :man_shrugging:
The simple answer to that is it would be easier to maintain assets, prevent backdoors, and of course, have monitoring by Roblox.

But ROBLOX already has an existing Models feature, why not just allow selling of it, but this still does not allow me to make sure people can’t read my code, and or tamper with it.

Because with an asset store, you can still have your modulescripts, but they’d be monitored by Roblox to prevent people from hiding things.

Having a premium asset store would ensure that users cannot reupload / copy your asset since if Roblox does it correctly, they’d have something locking everything, similar to how the package system works. Except you won’t be able to upload anything with said “package link” or move anything outside of the package - only the creator & developers can do that.

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And you expect ROBLOX to hire many people to moderate this AssetStore? How long would the developer have to wait to publish said feature? Could it take months with thousands of assets being submitted a day?

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Modules, and third party ones at that, are still going to be a thing. They just have to be public. As in, the model that contains the modules has to be publicly available. This is meant to be a compromise between completely removing third party modules (which would solve the issue entirely) and allowing people to execute and update code that people can’t see the source of (which is the issue at the moment). While public modules don’t really let you keep code private, they do allow for distributing code and updating it remotely – without having the person own the module.

As for the issue of intellectual privacy, that’s one that will need to be addressed because it’s a very real issue. As much as I don’t like the idea of closed-source code running in my game, a lot of people don’t share that reservation and people do have legitimate reasons for wanting their code to be private. My advice for the moment would be to obfuscate either all of or a part of your code to verify that you’re the creator somehow, or to bite the bullet and deal with the potential for people copying your code (although in your case it’s reliant upon a website, which people are a lot less inclined to copy).

They already approve thousands, if not tens of thousands assets a day with Music, Decals, Models, Meshes, etc.

I don’t see the moderation problem being a good argument against an asset store.

But people who want to deobsufcate it, can and probably still will.

A lot of Moderation is automated, like Music, and Decals. Code is not something that is easy to just automate moderation with.

Anti Viruses do it all the time - I don’t see why Roblox couldn’t have something similar for uploaded code.

Because Context. You have to have context, and unlike Anti Viruses, ROBLOX does not have a easy way to see if something is tampering with game files, or if things are hidden, you have to have context on what the thing is, and what it is doing.

He’s saying it is possible for them to create a system. It would take a lot of code but the possibility is there.

Support. This happened to me once, since it was a private module I was just able to revoke access to anyone other than the person I created it for.

This can also work if the module’s ID gets leaked.

In General modules can protect against game leaking. For example, a game’s core-most sensitive server code can be a private module only accessible by the creator and their lead scripter; instead of anyone with edit permissions being able to see and modify the core code, this works well with large development teams and projects.

I’m aware that this functionality could still work with removal for third party support, but it’s still a general good thing with private modules.


They already have moderators to review these assets that most people can see are inappropriate and breach the rules.
Roblox would need staff who can understand Lua to carefully analyse every bit of code to ensure that nothing there is malicious.
Also; what about the user? Maybe the creator wants an admin system with a command that can delete everything in the game.

It’s not possible to have such a system that will protect innocent developers, while stopping the malicious.