Repeat moderation actions for already deleted items

Hey, I have been getting repeat moderation actions for UGC items THAT ARE DELETED. Causing me to get loop-banned.

Here is a brief explanation of the situation

So in July-August I joined this trend/meta called “custom thumbnail” png thumbnails which look like that, 2 of 120 items(I admit these look pretty tacky LOL)

There was no clear rule that stated this wasn’t allowed(There still doesnt seem to be)

These items have been completely wiped in October 14th, like all of them

So since Jan 26th, I have been getting bans for each item ID every a few days/ every week. So far, I have been banned/warned 6 times, and each warn/ban is related to just one item ID.
The problem is I uploaded a little too many items, I uploaded 120 of these in the 2-3 month period of time.

Yesterday I got another 1 day ban and had my permissions revoked for 14 days. Before this ban, I got banned and I had my permissions revoked for 7 days for the same reason.

Now I am facing the danger of getting my UGC permissons revoked which would be devastating for me as I have been giving my countless hours developing in the ROBLOX community. I am now creating some top quality hairs which look pretty great if you ask me. But these bans have been really demotivating.

Seems to be a bug

This really does seem to be a bug because the it is banning me in a loop and if not anything moderation consequences should have been combined into one, either only one 7 day ban, or 3 day whatever. The moderation system seems to keep moderating me for each and every item, getting 114 more bans wouldn’t be ideal for me obviously. And to add on top of that, these items have already been deleted many many months ago.

This really impacts me, what can I do? Please help regarding this problem


I’ve had a similar bug, where archived items had strikes placed on them. I’m curious if that’s related to this or if they’re two seperate bugs.

Reason I mention this is because archived and content deleted items are, as far as using them on Roblox is concerned, are basically the same (unable to use/interact with them, won’t show up anywhere on the site afaik) so it could be that having assets marked as some form of unusable like this doesn’t actually work properly on the back end of Roblox (and moderation related issues will still happen as the back end might be considering it to be still available for some reason)

That’s just my theory though, I could be completely wrong.

Yes it might be marked as “still available” on ROBLOX’s end, this actually could make so much sense. The thing is though I did get a message for each deletion confirming that they were deleted so this is actually quite weird.

Also this is not archived items, and I think archived items can still be seen(?) on website, so not entirely archived. Instead these are items that had a gray area problem that Roblox did not decide to give moderation consequences out after 6-7 months after uploading. To add to that, these were deleted.

My problem is actually a similar problem to what gun creators, and the recently created Korblox Deathwalker extension creators are facing. They already uploaded the item and it passed QA, some time later they start to get bans one after another. I believe Roblox must not address a ban for each item ID one after another(for example, if you made 10 items having that feature, you basically shouldn’t get 10 bans, instead 1 ban related to those items.) which is actually common sense.

Hoping to get this fixed. Thanks for your message as this might actually help to resolve the issue

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Hi there!

The bans you’re receiving seem to be coming from different items that are getting moderated. Since a penalty is associated with each moderation, this is why you’re receiving multiple bans in a row.

For now, this is expected behavior. I understand the concern about receiving multiple bans for the same mistake, which I can raise to our team!


Hello! Thanks a lot the response and the explanation behind it. I would really appreciate it if you could raise this concern with your team, since as you read having as many bans as the item count really isn’t ideal.

Thank you for your time, have a great day!


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