Repeat until value not nil


That’s not what I meant.
I meant that UID (a hexademical) can be confused with player.UserId, since it’s an abbreviation.

You could’ve just said a hexademical value and I’d understand it better…

Sorry! my bad I also mispronounced UID it is actually UUID!

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until sellOrder:FindFirstChildOfClass("StringValue")

Hi, this won’t do what you’re intending it to do. Here’s a quick solution!

-- Declare variable
local variable = nil -- to be changed to another value?

-- Wait for 3 seconds in another thread then change the variable value (you can delete this!)
    variable = 123

-- And here's the part of the script which actually waits until the variable is not equal to nil
-- Feel free to copy & paste in your projects :)
repeat wait() until character ~= nil

You’re welcome : )