Replacement for Asset Marketplace?

Greetings, during my absence from the developer forums I realized that the category, Asset Marketplace was removed. I was wondering if there is another place where I can sell my creations to other developers since I have tons of models and builds that I have no use for.

Thanks in advance! :+1:

There isn’t any place that is sponsored by Roblox for selling assets. If one side of an agreement decided not to comply with the agreement, Roblox isn’t able to do anything since it is difficult to determine who is at fault. If you are making assets to sell and hope to turn a profit, you should consider moving to completing commissions, which are nearly guaranteed to give you a specific amount of revenue.


Also to mention, if you haven’t know yet, they have removed the asset marketplace due to people not putting effort into their assets, literally stealing them from free models. And with this removal, there won’t be an alternative category to sell assets.


I recommend offering contracting services in #collaboration:portfolios rather than selling loose assets. It’s unlikely you will find the right customer for your specific assets / you can make a bigger profit and build better relationships for future opportunities by contracting out to developers, rather than selling them stuff you’ve already made.