Report menu has vulnerability that allows accounts to be banned instantly

It is true that we, the developers, are falling victim to these stupid mistakes, and they are my friend too. The game we made was a perfectly normal role-playing game, but they still got banned. Please open the bans and find a solution to this mistake.


  1. Hello guys there are many people who got affected by this attack and one of them is my friend i will share his user info and the ban box picture so maybe the staff can fix the problem he even has an active game on his account


You can try appealing because roblox staff is already aware of this


Why did it suddenly remind me of the crossword case?


The new appeal system is atrocious.
Any appeals I’ve submitted - asset or account - get “reviewed” by the team within ONE minute and always denied.

What’s the point of an appeal system that is automated?

Definitely needs a rollback, appeals will do nothing.


After this message I told them to try appealing again, and no success:

This is his UserId: 2453720277


Lots of people I know got their appeals rejected, when all the appeal agent has to do is join the place and see that there’s actually nothing wrong with it.


Is this still hapening or it has been patched ?

still happening but it has been addressed by the roblox team

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I’m really happy to see a roblox staff member reply, normally these topics tend to be swept under the rug so thank you for looking into this.

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Welp, time to speedrun learning UE4/UE5. At least Roblox is on this so uh, that’s nice to hear.


wtff :sob::sob::sob: this roblox mod HAS to be using ChatGPT or something bro. I swear, the last time I ever had ROBLOX support listen to me was when I asked them to change my PIN about 2 years ago.


Instead of closing your games, put a script in them doing this.

game:GetService("Debris").Name="get pwned"

(How it works: the first line in the executed script accesses Debris via game.Debris)

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We need Roblox to address this ASAP.


This is legit just their cheap bot sending prepared responses. I doubt there’s any actual human being named “Danny” and “Mark” that looked into this.


This is ruining developers lives
My good friend ReaperMah, who relies on Roblox as his primary source of income, as an upright and active group owner (600k+), was banned a couple of days ago for this exploited reason. The anxiety it has caused ReaperMah and all of the developers who rely on him deeply saddens me.

I know Roblox Moderation has absolutely zero intention of causing this panic among the developer community. I’d like to believe they’re working hard to reverse the ban on ReaperMah and other falsely banned developers.


i agree on that

Make money just to get terminated by an exploit

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I put my game into private, is it safe to put it back online, or will we be notified when this issue is fixed ?

Has anyone gotten terminated even if they used this script?

I can’t see why anyone would