Report spam Button for Comments

I think maybe:

c. 75,000
d. 75% Places / 25% Items

How many Comments are posted per day on ROBLOX, on average?
a. 45,000

Any solution that requires voting, rating, or reporting needs to consider volume as a factor. For example, if the comments are coming in really fast there may not be enough ratings on each one to matter. And Aurarus’ example is valid if we went in the YouTube ratings direction. I’m not saying these ideas are off the table, but we have to consider the possible outcomes.

By quantity, what percentage of Comments are posted on Places vs. posted on Items?
c. 50% Places / 50% Items

This one was a bit of a trick question. The quantities are evenly split between Places and Items. However, Items get a much higher percentage of spam and comments are concentrated mostly on new hats, so it seems like there are more of them.

We have considered it. However, we are still getting some value out of what’s being said there. We wouldn’t just turn them off without providing another method for legitimate feedback and discussion.

Thanks for playing Pop Quiz! :slight_smile:

[quote] Have you guys considered turning off comments for ROBLOX-made assets (hats/gear/etc)? They seem to be only used by spammers. [/quote] That’s how I find and squash bugs with gear sometimes :P.

Here is a suggestion:
Make it so if a comment has all of the following, make it unable to post:
Send, Me, Trades

This will stop some, but it wont be all.

[quote] Here is a suggestion:
Make it so if a comment has all of the following, make it unable to post:
Send, Me, Trades

This will stop some, but it wont be all. [/quote]
And of course, someone will find a way around the system, as usual. :cry:

If we could somehow increase a ROBLOXians’ learning curve, most of the stupid “post this on 5 places and get free robux11!” will stop. And tbh, (guessing) that spam is the most common spam and also the most easily spread.

[quote] Here is a suggestion:
Make it so if a comment has all of the following, make it unable to post:
Send, Me, Trades

This will stop some, but it wont be all. [/quote]
And of course, someone will find a way around the system, as usual. :'([/quote]

“S3nd m3 trade5”

This will only make it worse.

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