Repositionpart relative to orientation

does this help at all?

HitPart.Position= (HitPart.CFrame *, relativeY, relativeZ)).p

then save the cframe of the liquid in relation to the sauce pan


I made a place repro
CframeAnnoyMe.rbxl (32.4 KB)

Ok ill fix it in studio and upload it

So you just want it to resize upwards?

Expected behaviour, only it doesn’t work at rotations.

Is this how it should look?

I made it semi transparent so u can see inside

here u go

I reformatted things a little to be more intuitive

local Pan = script.Parent
local Liquid = Pan.Liquid
local WeldConstraint = script.Parent.WeldConstraint

local xGoal = 1.6

for i=1,200 do wait()
	WeldConstraint.Enabled = false
	local xSize = xGoal*(i/200)
	Liquid.Size =,Liquid.Size.Y,Liquid.Size.Z)
	Liquid.CFrame = Pan.CFrame* - Liquid.Size.X/2,0,0)
	WeldConstraint.Enabled = true

CframeAnnoyMe.rbxl (32.6 KB)


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Here is my solution i reformatted the for loop:

local Part = game.Workspace.SaucePan.Liquid
local SaucePan = game.Workspace.SaucePan
local Weld = SaucePan.WeldConstraint

SaucePan.Anchored = true
Part.Anchored = true
Weld.Enabled = false

for i = Part.Size.X, (SaucePan.Size.X - 0.1)  do
	Part.Size = Part.Size +, 0, 0) 
	Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame *,0,0)	

Weld.Enabled = true
SaucePan.Anchored = false
Part.Anchored = false

CframeAnnoyMe.rbxl (32.5 KB)