RequestService (NO LONGER PUBLIC, DM FOR SOURCE) | Cooldowns made easy (aka RatelimitService)

(this post was edited and its content has been removed)

“Why would I want to use ProfileService for all of my datastores?” This question has the same energy.

It’s called a wrapper for some reason, provide you with data globally through scripts and make your code cleaner in general because you don’t need to be repetitive

Why are you replying to this 12 days later ;_;

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Oh, I understand now. Sorry for the Misunderstanding. I’ll check out the Module.
Thanks again!

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We have brains, we know what a cooldown is. It’s not useful. It’s much easier to implement a denounce or cooldown. Stop forcing people to like your module.

@. lilmazen1234 doesn’t think so… He had doubts about the module, it’s ok if i reply to them

If you don’t want to use the module, you don’t have to announce it. Plus, my
1 line method is definitely way harder to use than all your cooldowns.

If my method is so hard then just use the brain you mentioned😪

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Their opinion doesn’t matter, you are replying to me.

Never announced that I wouldn’t use it.

What cooldowns? This is just another example of self advertising.

Never said it was hard, its just extremely inefficient to go out of your way to use a module to make a cooldown.

Their opinion doesn’t matter, you are replying to me .

Your brain is not working really well, you are mentioning everyone:

We have brains, we know what a cooldown is.


For everyone reading this post, I will not be replying to more (is useful / is not useful) doubts, as I believe I have already explained all the benefits RequestService has, so you are responsible for checking those posts if you are interested.

Plus I’ll be editing the original post and making it clear so that it can help.

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(before reading this, see this post)

This update is important since it removes support for numbers in the executor parameter! You should use tostring() if you are using numbers!


->Removed the bindable instance, instead, a new one will be created when requiring the module.

->Executor no longer supports numbers.

->If tableName == true, it will create an unused string.

->If executor == true, it will create an unused string.

->:RequestToProceed now returns Tuple, please see the docs for more information.

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Changed math.random to and NextInteger (to ensure that RequestService uses its own seed!)

Very good stuff, some very spiteful people here for no reason, release something useful and get all this unneeded backlash, very sad. Keep up the good work!

That being said, do you think i could implement this into my fighting game?


I mean yes, it is usually better to use in the back-end programming (server-side) and things like ratelimiting data saving etc, but you can also do this for a run service heartbeat connection which checks raycasts with a sword (just an example I made haha)

Or, if you want to bypass the rate limit, you could use a resource like this or this.

Or even better… be receptive to the legit feedback people have given you already.

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Have you read the last reply before bumping?

This is not even a DataStore module. As I said previously to EVERYONE replying without reading, read the topic carefully.

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Could you stop being rude already? @iGottic made some great points.

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This is no datastore module. Please stop making assumptions. What you all are doing shows that you guys leave a reply without even looking at the topic properly. I have not acted rude against anyone here. Now, leave this conversation because I already mentioned this service is no longer for public use.


That’s not a good reason to make something private. Discontinued products are never made private if they were once public unless for a security reason.

Leave it to the archivers to do their job here.


I never gave a reason and don’t need to. I made it private simply because I felt it didn’t have the features a Ratelimiter module should have. I agree that I should have “archived” it instead of making it private. But I don’t feel like I should be giving this resource away, which I feel it’s empty for a Ratelimiter. Instead, whoever wants it should DM me for the source code, that way I avoid the criticism of people who claim things when they haven’t even tried the resource at all.

@VSCPlays read this too. I will be developing a much better Ratelimiter module when I can.

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If you are interested in viewing the source code, DM me.