Reserved Servers Inaccessible Across Games

As of around 8pm PST on the 1st of November, the players of two entirely unrelated games I work on After the Flash — Wintertide and Legends of the Aether: Amnisica began to experience critical errors when attempting to join the game via their Lobbies that use TeleportService to reserve servers.

Players CANNOT access any Reserved server under any circumstances, encountering one of the two following errors:

The Developer Console will provide this short message when a teleport fails:

This issue is an insurmountable blocker as players are currently entirely unable to access our game at the start of the weekend, and could potentially cause us to lose significant revenue.


Same issue with our game as well.

Game: [V3] Perris, California - Roblox

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Thanks for the report, we are looking into this. Is this issue still happening?

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This seems to have completely subsided around the same time as you marked this issue as resolved :slight_smile: So, all’s good here now!

Please let us know if the issue arises again, thank you!


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