Resizing a MeshPart connected with a Motor6D forces Skinned Meshes to be rebuilt

Hey there, we’ve noticed this issue starting to appear again in our live game.

We’ve made a bug report about this in the past, but we were using skinned mesh to handle every portion of the rig (including the weapons). This forced a rebuilt on the entire rig which was heavy.

Since the original post, we’ve converted our rigs to be hybrid, basically a mix of bones and Motor6Ds, which allows us to scale the regular mesh parts without rebuilding the skinning mesh. This proved to solve the issue for the time being. However, this has started to be relevant again since about a month, especially when the servers start being crowded.

It’s very difficult to say this is precisely the issue, however we have the same visual anomaly that this was causing which leads me to believe this is the same problem. The framerate is stable and the rest of things fired on Stepped do update accordingly.

Here’s a video of what is happening:

Everything still runs like a charm, minus the fact that the arms mesh (which is the only skinned mesh) seems to be throttled to be rebuilt.

Note that we have ClientAnimatorThrottling is that can have anything to do with it.

Even more important than solving this, if you have any insight on how we could optimize this and lower the demand on what is running the skinning mesh rebuilding, we’ll gladly take it! :grin:

Expected behavior

The skinned meshes should not be stuttering because we are changing the size of a part in the rig.

A private message is associated with this bug report


We’ll take a look and get back to you, thanks for your patience.


Answering here for visibility:

I don’t think this is a regression. As long as a MeshPart is in the Model hierarchy, it will cause the skeleton to rebuild when there are updates to its size – You can try keeping the rigid parts outside of the model, but still welded to things in the model. Something like in here: Delay when creating/destroying local objects inside character while using layered clothing - #2 by Sir_Bedevere

This is definitely an issue tho, and we hope to fix this in the future.

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