Resizing parts from properties shouldn't move the part when it is intersecting another part

  • I want this behavior
  • I don’t care for this behavior
  • This would break something about my workflow

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This has been suggested before and I’m suggesting it again. Yesterday, I thought this finally happened and I tweeted about it, but it turns out this behavior only happpens if the parts are CanCollide false. However, the response to the tweet shows that this is still something a lot of people want.

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Poll is weird. I’m not sure if “this behavior” is referring to the behavior of readjusting the part’s position. I don’t want the part’s position to be changed.


How about they link it up with the “turn collisions on/off” property that Studio already has for the resize/move tools?

When collisions are turned on, it will do the behaviour that it has now, and when it is turned off it will retain its CFrame when the Size property is changed, which is what you suggest.


This is why I use F3X’s building plugin.

Resizing parts causes the center to move because the part’s dimensions have changed. Or are you referring to the visible position of the part changing (ie: The part jumps to the top of the object it’s in)?

This is it. Changing the part’s size from the Properties window expands it from the center, so its position should be unchanged. However, if it’s overlapping with another part, it will jump on top of that part even when Studio’s collision check is off.

The same thing occurs if you try to set the Position like that. Size just calls the same function. I’ll add this to our pipeline.


This used to be the case, but it changed some time ago. If Collision Check is off, setting the Position or Rotation properties from the Properties window will ignore any other parts.

The current behavior isn’t just annoying, it can be very laggy with large parts.

Related post: Size change forces Position change in BaseParts