[Resolved] How Fix, attempt to index nil with 'Position'

I’m thinking it might be the location of the module script and the local script. Where is your module script and local script?

I have already done it it gives the positions of the 3

The module in ScriptServerService and The local script in StarterPlayerScripts

I believe that is why, you might need to move it to replicated storage

Maybe just pass the positions rather than the parts themselves. It proabably returns nil since the parts are parented somewhere under ServerScriptService.

there is a lot of variables in there that might be nil.

I suggest you use a breakpoint and add those variables to watches so you can identify the problem.

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Can you help me on this please ?

Apologies for the delay, but there’s not much I can do from that picture. If I were you I would look into breakpoints and watches to further debug the reason why the parameters aren’t being passed through.

No worries, I can pass you the model and if you could see if you manage to fix the scripts ?

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Was this ever fixed? Cause I have this model and still getting the same issue every way I alter it. I’m still getting nil with position.