Response to code safety review discussion

Just so you know, this isn’t related in any way regarding the ‘ban wave’ that happened on 4/24/2020.
This is in regards to what content you have in your scripts or localscripts and if it’s a ‘dangerious item to the community’, you’ll have your account penalized or terminated.


But big games and trusted developers probably already have so much already much, what would a tiny compensation do?

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Well, if someone relies on Roblox for income then a false termination is equivalent to getting fired for “breaking company policy” while you did nothing wrong whatsoever. It’s important that lost revenue should be at least partially refunded, not only to keep that developer on the platform but also to show that Roblox cares about its developers . Many people say that Roblox belongs to Roblox and its their platform but without developers that’s all it is, an empty platform.

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I agree with Nick here, small developers probably aren’t losing much if their game gets temporarily shut down. Sucks for them, but it’s a necessary evil to prevent abuse. Games with over, say 100k visits, receive compensation for false bans. Compensation could also be average in-game sales over the time period it was closed.


You still technically could get deleted however, I’ve been terminated over content that came from 300 other people that I put into an array.
Didn’t get a warning or a chance to appeal, DevForum was my only way of giving notice and having Community Sage members help me get unterminated.
It seems that Roblox is now even having your account automatically logged out on DevForum so small developers are even highly unable to report that their account had been terminated unfairly.


Yeah, really nice of Roblox to sweep problems under the rug until they end up having to replace the rug sooner or later.


This has hardly addressed anything we asked that was important. Who are this team that will review our scripts? Who specially trained them? Why do we trust them to do their job? We have seen examples of people being terminated for chat filters even after this response, which focused on them. This is terrible work from roblox and I expect better. Your developers are the reason this is a popular platform, so you need to look after them.


A problem with this still exists due to roblox moderation. If a game is deemed to be 16+ or is marked as because of certain content, that prevents people from playing it. E.g. if a game like that twitter (which seemed about 12+) had been marked as that so it didnt get moderated, it would lose a huge player base as the majority of roblox players are kids. I think roblox should stay kid friendly but lighten up a little in moderation

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Considering the massive scale that Roblox moderation runs on, the only way to improve moderation would be to spend more money on automation or human moderators. Human moderators are very expensive considering how much there is to review, and automation only works in certain cases.


The amount of content they have to moderate is massive, so you shouldn’t expect much in terms of quality.


Which is why there should be another system in place to let game owners re-apply their game to be kid friendly etc. Sometimes some games want to be 16+ to appeal to the 16+ players that want gore, swear words, or any content that 16+ wants to consume.

If there could be a way for 16+ players to play with other 16+ players without having the harsh ‘kid friendly hashtag filter’ applied to everyone, 16+ players probably would pay a single fee to be marked as a 16+ account. Or that if a 16+ player can play something new, Roblox can expand to a new category of games that could be made to appeal to 16+.

The only reason why Roblox is all kids atm, is that all the teenagers and adults are forced to treat Roblox as kids friendly because you can only be kids friendly on the platform, otherwise you’ll get terminated.


This update is still extremely stupid. Code is meant to be private.


Roblox has been inspecting peoples places since the platform was made. This is nothing new, and will likely never change.


They’ve been inspecting places, but not people’s private, closed-source code until this extra moderation was pointlessly implemented. 2 very different things.


That doesn’t make any sense.

If code is included in your place then roblox has always had the ability to enter your places and read it; and they have done this for years.


Sorry, but you are not being very smart right now. They have moderated the builds, not the code. The code is supposed to be private.


Code on the roblox platform has NEVER been private, and staff have been able to see any place file for a while now. The only difference this update made is that they now have a bot that flags places for manual review, and they check the code in the place to see if there’s anything wrong.


Ngl thats a pretty stupid thing for them to do ;-;


Yes. How DARE Roblox ensure the safety of kids on their platform. This is OUTRAGEOUS! Sincerely, disappointed.

this is sarcasm


The confusion about whether or not the code was private beforehand demonstrates the extent of the lack of transparency from Roblox. I hope there will be a more concise update on this entire situation.