Reverse Glass Trick

Hey, so I want to reverse the glass trick where I can only see the part through the glass and not outside of it.

I’m just wondering if that is possible, Thanks!

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Make 2 parts, one made of glass, and one material that you would like. On the one that’s not glass, make the transparency 0.011. Then on the glass, make it 0.75. Now you’re done.

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I followed the instructions, however it gave me the opposite effect I was looking for.

I highly doubt this is possible. You could make the glass part not glass and surround that with actual glass parts, it would kind of create that effect I guess

Try to play around with Highlight feature… it won’t achieve exactly what you are looking for, but maybe you can get something close or different from what you need but that will still work. Maybe make the parts invisible normally, but behind the wall it will project the highlight or the outline of the part?

you could make a script that sends a raycast from the glass to the player and if it hits anything, make the glass become a mirror, and if it doesn’t hit anything, make the glass see though